ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 40 (Number 29) Year 2019. Page 0

Modeling of cadets’ preparation in educational establishments of higher education of the penitentiary system for anti-corruption activities

Modelado de la preparación de estudiantes de educación superior del sistema penitenciario para actividades anticorrupción.

NIKOLAEV, Sergey M. 1

Received: 29/03/2019 • Approved: 03/07/2019 • Published 02/09/2019


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


The article concentrates on the development of the problem of preventive preparation of cadets for anti-corruption activities, which involves modelling of the systematic formation of personal qualities, motives, special competences and values. The developed structural-functional model allows to evaluate and systematize the pedagogical actions of the subjects of the educational process of the educational organization of higher education of the penitentiary system to increase the effectiveness of the formation of special corruption impatience competences and interception of corruptive behavior in professional activities by students during the period of their study.
Keywords: Modeling, corruption impatience, anti-corruption activities


El artículo se centra en el desarrollo del problema de la preparación preventiva de los cadetes para las actividades de lucha contra la corrupción, que implica la elaboración de modelos de la formación sistemática de cualidades personales, motivos, competencias especiales y valores. El modelo estructural-funcional desarrollado permite evaluar y sistematizar las acciones pedagógicas de las asignaturas del proceso educativo de la organización educativa de educación superior del sistema penitenciario para aumentar la efectividad de la formación de competencias especiales de impaciencia por la corrupción e interceptación del comportamiento corruptor en las actividades profesionales por parte de los estudiantes durante el período de estudio.
Palabras clave: Modelado, impaciencia por la corrupción, actividades anticorrupción

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1. Introduction

The increase in the quality of professional training of specialists in this field is fixed by the legislators as the preventive direction of increasing the effectiveness of anti-corruption management. In accordance with the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2018-2020, the introduction of a complex of preventive measures is envisaged, and for the first time, special attention is paid to the popularization of anti-corruption standards in society and the development of public justice. In order to implement this, it is proposed to include competences that allow developing impatient attitudes towards corrupt behavior in federal state educational standards and support the interception of such behavior in professional activities and implement anti-corruption educational programs.

The importance and relevance of measures to improve the effectiveness of anti-corruption is not in doubt. Over the past 10 years, over 3 million violations of anti-corruption legislation have been identified in Russia and their number continues to increase. In 2007, 106.5 thousand of such violations were revealed, in 2008 - 208 thousand, and by 2016 it had increased to 325 thousand. The number of corruption-related crimes continues to increase. In 2016, almost 32.5 thousand crimes of corruption were registered, in 2017 - 33 thousand. Moreover, all tendencies in the structure and dynamics of corruptive crimes continue to remain unchanged and develop.

The role of employees of the penitentiary system in anti-corruption management in Russia is essential - they not only support the law and order in the state, but also contribute to the assertion of the principles of social justice. The performance of these functions by the employees of the penitentiary system determines the special requirements for their professional training.

The study of the personal attitude of the cadets shows that at the initial stage of preparation, most of them have no impatience to corruption; at the time of graduation, there is no significant increase in the importance of the problem of corruption in their future employment activity and their attitude to active countermeasures to corruption.

Reducing the probability of corruption behavior of cadets in conditions of increased corruption risks is directly related to the development of the corresponding value system during the preparation period (Amukowa et al., 2013; Komalasari et al., 2015).

The noted problems of pedagogical theory and practice in the framework of improving the effectiveness of anti-corruption create contradictions between:

- the need of society for the legitimate activities of the penitentiary system and high rates of corruption in this area, including those caused by deficiencies in the content of education and training of cadets - future employees of the penitentiary system;

- the contingence of professional activities in the penitentiary system with increased risks of corruption and the absence of the ordered preventive work on the formation of corruption impatience among cadets and support of the interception of such behavior in professional activities;

- the duty of educational establishment of higher education to form knowledge, skills and abilities determined by the relevant federal state educational standards and special qualification requirements for the employees of the penitentiary system on impatience to corruption, support of the interception of such behavior in professional activities and the lack of a developed pedagogical system for implementing this process, that would take into account the specifics of preparing for service in the penitentiary system.

2. Methodology

The data for the study were a generalization of the causes and conditions of the commission of more than 750 corruption offenses in the penitentiary system in the period from 2011 to 2018, an analysis of the attitude towards corruption of 2,046 practitioners and cadets of the penitentiary system, as well as 498 former employees of various law enforcement authorities convicted of committing corruption-related crimes.

In developing of the statements of the model for preparing students for anti-corruption activities, the specifics of the organization of departmental vocational education. The cadet is a current employee, is allowed to arm, performs official duties, goes on duty, goes through all kinds of practices in a particular institution or an establishment of the penitentiary system. The organization of educational activities is regulated by the daily regimen, the work relations of the cadets, and their location in the regime area of the educational organization of higher education of the penitentiary system.

The study of the theory and practice of anti-corruption activities in the penitentiary system was based on the use of a set of methodological approaches. The humanistic approach has determined the focus of preparation for anti-corruption activities on the harmonious development of the personality of cadets, the actualization of their spiritual strengths, abilities and skills.

Using a systematic approach, the interrelatedness of the problem of formation of cadets’ impatience to corruption and support of the interception of such behavior in professional activities, creating a preparation program, procedures for implementing and evaluating knowledge and competences generated, as well as motivation of students to counter corruption is determined. The statements of the axiological approach formed the basis for substantiation of the need for cadets to form values ​​and value orientations that determine a conscious activity on the impatience of corruption and the interception of such behavior in professional activities. The activity approach was used to determine the structure of the organization of employment activity in the context of moral and legal decisions, the choice of behavior when corruption risks arise.

Perspective directions for the implementation of anti-corruption preparation are determined by the students' perception of what is right and valuable in practice, the formation of the student's legal awareness of corruption impatience, the practice in anti-corruption management, the choice of behavioral options in a moral and legal decision (Hamdun, 2014).

3. Results

Theoretical substantiation of anti-corruption preparations allows us to state that the increase in the level of corruption offenses in the penitentiary system is connected with the lack of systematic anti-corruption preparations of employees. An assessment of the state of theory and practice of preparing cadets for anti-corruption activities revealed the need to systematize its implementation during their study in order to increase the effectiveness of subjects’ actions of the educational process to form impatience for corruption in conditions of increased corruption risks of practical activities in the penitentiary system (Matskevich et al., 2016).

Using the fundamental principles of the theory of modelling as a method of scientific knowledge (Glinsky et al., 1965), it can be stated that the limitations of modern knowledge and practice on the problem of formation of impatience to corruption among cadets and support in interception of such behavior under uncertainty and specificity of corruption risks requires modelling of cadets’ preparation for anti-corruption activities.

The aims of anti-corruption preparation are:

- analysis of pedagogical processes that are systematic in nature and implemented on the basis of a variety of significant internal and external factors (Tatarsky, 2004);

- increasing the effectiveness of the pedagogical actions of the subjects of the educational process, rationalizing the methods of their formation and management (Sokolova, 1998; Svetenko, 1999);

- development of conceptual statements of preparation for anti-corruption activities.

In this case, the subject of modeling is the structure of preparation as an expedient system of pedagogical actions of subjects of the educational process, as well as the capability of pedagogical actions.

The identification of conceptual statements for preparing students for anti-corruption activities required the development of a structural-functional model that would allow to evaluate and systematize the pedagogical actions of the subjects of the educational process to increase the effectiveness of the formation of special competences of students in anti-corruption activities during the training period.

Analysis of educational standards and implemented academic disciplines allows us to develop a procedure for introducing a model for preparing students for anti-corruption activities.

Particular attention should be paid to teaching methods, formation of a plan for teaching an academic discipline (lesson) within the framework of the selected components of anti-corruption preparation in the context of the conditions of future professional activity.

As part of a separate lesson, topic, block of topics and academic discipline, it is necessary to focus on the components of anti-corruption preparation and the corresponding specific competencies. In the variable part of the curriculum, when preparing cadets, it is necessary to provide a special discipline to form the ability to resist corruption, to perform professional tasks in accordance with the standards of morality, professional ethics and official etiquette.

As a part of educational activities, anti-corruption training involves the following areas:

1. Formation of the ability to develop impatience to corruption:

- the state of the problem of corruption;

- origins, concepts and meanings of corrupt relations;

- regulations for anti-corruption management;

- corruption risks in the activities of the penitentiary system.

- corruptive relations

2. Formation of the ability to suppress corruptive behavior in professional activities:

- typical corruption risks in the activities of the penitentiary system;

- ways for preventing corruption in the penitentiary system;

- action plan in case corruption risks occur.

The general conclusion of cadets’ preparations for anti-corruption activities obtained during the modeling is presented in the table.

Table 1
Stages of implementation of the model
of preparation for anti-corruption activities

Analysis stage

Implementation stage

Final stage

– reviewing of the specifics of the activity

– choosing of pedagogical approaches

– analysis of the readiness of subjects


– adjustment of aims;

– correcting of the educational process and extracurricular activities;

– methodological support;

– implementation control


- summing up of the work;

- analysis of the influence of the external environment and making adjustments;

- evaluation of the results of work


- humanistic nature of implementation;

- systematic activity;

- context of activity in the context of corruption risks;

- age appropriateness;

- integrating anti-corruption training.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the stages of introducing the model of preparing cadets to anti-corruption activities depends on the completeness of the implementation of all stages and proposed actions. It should be noted that the developed structure of the stages of the model’s implementation is conditional and aims to experimentally analyze the possibilities for regulation anti-corruption training, creating possible connections between subjects.

4. Conclusions

Experimental implementation of a model for preparing cadets for anti-corruption activities will make it possible to identify the effectiveness of the proposed structure and adapt it to the activities of a particular educational organization. The data obtained in the experiment made it possible to complete the development of a model for preparing cadets for anti-corruption activities, to substantiate its structure and content.

The structural-functional model of anti-corruption training ensures the direction of the information provided to cadets, structures the ongoing training activities. The process of forming an impatient attitude towards corruption behavior among the cadets and helping to suppress such behavior begins to be predictable and manageable.

The general conclusion of the research statements allows to determine the complex of pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model, which include:

1. Resource allocation involves the optimization of the activities of the educational organization.

2. Coordination of anti-corruption goals:

– the formation of common educational goals for teachers;

– professional and pedagogical preparedness (pedagogical orientation, methodological literacy, pedagogical skills, abilities, personal qualities, possession of modern pedagogical technologies);

– directed pedagogical interaction, contributing to the integrated formation of special competences.

3. Formation and fulfilment of the value potential of subjects. 

Legal consciousness and legal activity involve the formation of self-analysis, the ability to adjust self-behavior, self-changing and changing of activities in various non-standard, problem situations.

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1. Associate Professor of the Department of Organization of the Regime and covert operations in the penitentiary system of the Pskov affiliated branch of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, e-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 40 (Nº 29) Year 2019


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