ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 40 (Number 26) Year 2019. Page 5

Intercultural discourse competence formation of future economists by cognitive criterion

Formación de la competencia discursiva intercultural de los futuros economistas según el criterio cognitivo


Received: 03/02/2019 • Approved: 03/05/2019 • Published 29/07/2019


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


The article deals with the research of intercultural discourse competence of future economists. Its content is studied on the basis of factor analysis, scientific paradigms, scientific approaches. Mentioned above methodology has given grounds for specifying content components of pedagogical system: gnoseological, emotional and value-oriented, communication- and activity-based. According to the outlined components the corresponding criteria have been singled out: cognitive, personal, operational. The experiment of revealing future economists' intercultural discourse competence by the cognitive criterion has been conducted and analysed.
Keywords: intercultural discourse competence, future economists, cognitive criterion


El artículo trata sobre la investigación de la competencia discursiva intercultural de los futuros economistas. Su contenido se estudia sobre la base de análisis factorial, paradigmas científicos, enfoques científicos. La metodología mencionada anteriormente ha dado lugar a la especificación de componentes de contenido del sistema pedagógico: gnoseológico, emocional y de valor, basado en la comunicación y la actividad. De acuerdo con los componentes descritos, los criterios correspondientes han sido seleccionados: cognitivo, personal, operativo. Se realizó y analizó el experimento para revelar la competencia discursiva intercultural de los futuros economistas mediante el criterio cognitivo.
Palabras clave: competencia discursiva intercultural, futuros economistas, criterio cognitivo

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1. Introduction

In terms of social and economic transformations of the Ukrainian society one of the key tasks of the state is to train competent specialists in economics whose professional activity affects economic growth of the country and well-being of its citizens. Improvement of professional education quality of economists puts forward the necessity to apply a competence approach that presupposes training for professional communication within international relations. A high level of professional communication culture which is based on intercultural discourse competence favours attaining economic goals during intercultural communication with business partners from other cultures.

The aim of the article is to specify the components of intercultural discourse competence (IDC), verify the level of the cognitive component of IDC of future economists at the starting stage of the experiment.

2. Methodology

To reveal the components of the pedagogical system of IDC formation and to analyse in detail the content as the main one, we have researched factors, scientific paradigms and scientific approaches which are interrelated and supposed to define the mentioned process.

Thus, a person's activity is stipulated by a common effect of external (objective and subjective) and internal (personal and human) factors (Petruschik, 1989).

The analysis of scientific paradigms has allowed us to outline the main features of IDC formation of future specialists in economics.

Within the cognitive paradigm students acquire knowledge in different spheres of life, develop corresponding skills and habits of IDC. The humanities in our study will serve as a tool to learn foreign cultures and realise peculiarities of one's own culture. This will form relations of mutual understanding, mutual enrichment and interaction between representatives of different business cultures.

However, knowledge quality is assessed not only by its validity but also by its moral content, a person’s attitude to knowledge acquired in the process of studying. Sh. Amonashvili emphasises development of sympathy, collaboration, co-creativity, comparison, mutual respect and self-actualisation among participants of communication as the key points of the educational process (Amonashvili, 2000). Thus in our research we consider it expedient to use benefits of the humanistic paradigm which has been tested by times (Amonashvili, 2000; Disterveg, 1956; Маkarenko, 1983-1984; Sukhomlinsky, 1975 and others). Within this paradigm a student's interests, abilities, individual and psychological peculiarities are recognised as the highest value that creates grounds for their comprehensive development. In the basis of the humanistic paradigm there is a principle of humanity that proves human uniqueness and value irrespective of their nationality, social status, sex etc., and has to be implemented in a teacher's practical activity. Humanistic paradigm allows developing students' abilities to the full, provide their life adaptation, help in personal growth (satisfy various educational needs in particular), realise dialogue relations between a teacher and students in the process of IDC formation.

Culturological paradigm is connected with the culturological approach and the mentioned above cognitive paradigm as well. As it is stated by T. Kolbina, knowledge is an inherent component of culture, its mastering increases a personality’s cultural level. Principles of encoding and transmitting information are also based on knowledge and considered to be culturally stipulated processes (Kolbina, 2014). The culturological paradigm emphasises the necessity to perceive cultural heritage of various cultures in the process of studying. Acquiring a certain level of culture enables a person to interact with the environment in various spheres of activity in the most efficient way.

According to T. Dmytrenko, T. Kolbina, K. Yaresko and others, a set of the applied scientific paradigms should be complemented by the managing paradigm as well as by social and communicative one. It will affect the development of the pedagogical technology through methodological approaches connected with the paradigms (Dmytrenko & Kolbina & Yaresko et al., 2014).

The managing paradigm reflects purposefulness and a gradual nature of the educational process. The efficiency of management and optimality of making decisions will be realised upon condition of gradual transition from management (by a teacher) through co-management (by both a teacher and a student) to self-management of their own learning activity (by students only).

The social and communicative paradigm is based on organisation (influence on a personality), management (influence on activity) and communication (influence on subjects of the educational process). The social aspect is revealed in inter-influence between the pedagogical system and society (through processes of studying, development, a personality’s socialisation). The communicative aspect is realised through transmitting information among subjects of the educational process (Dmytrenko, 2013).

The analysis of paradigms that exist in the modern pedagogy allows making a conclusion that they make it possible to research IDC in both static and dynamic ways; they are technological because of their interconnection with the methodological approaches outlined below, they serve as a criterion of scientific character in our research.

To specify the direction of students' professional training as for IDC formation we have considered scientific approaches that determine this process.

The system approach is related to the cognitive paradigm. It provides logics of scientific research, proves scientific nature of IDC formation, its modelling, constructing the IDC pedagogical system, etc. Flexibility, dynamism, variability, adaptability, diagnosticity, conformity, as well as integrative nature (i.e. the pedagogical system is to ensure the interdisciplinary character of IDC formation) are considered to be the main peculiarities of pedagogical systems (Podlasy, 2001).

Thus by forming IDC, the system approach will favour students' mastering of fundamental laws of intercultural discourse; form a system way of thinking, that will provide the ability to perform professional activity according to the theoretical basis. The aspect analysis of intercultural discourse in various spheres of knowledge will provoke students' awareness of comprehensive world perception. It will help to determine the optimal means and methods for analysing problems of communication in the professional sphere. As for teachers, the system nature and variability of links in the educational process of IDC formation will ensure gradual formation of the mentioned competence which will also give the possibility to return to the previous stages of the learning activity in case of revealing gaps or difficulties in perception and learning the material under study.

The culturological approach is connected with the culturological paradigm and is based on culture concepts (axiological, activity- and dialogue-oriented). It is also connected with the components of the pedagogical system. Applying the culturological approach (Bondarevska, 1999; Shchurkova, 1996 and others) to the IDC formation presupposes simultaneous studying of a language and culture, emphasising value oriented content of the learning process, studying cultural realias and analysis dimensions of national cultures peculiarities (moral norms, cultural values etc.). So, the culturological approach will assist a student as a future specialist in economics to perceive a personality (of a business partner, manager, subordinate, client) in the light of the corresponding culture, avoiding stereotypes and generalisations. Such perception will enable students to build productive intercultural discourse, and thus perform efficiently at work.

Communication-activity approach (Galperin, 1966; Zymnyaya, 2014; Leontiev, 1975; Rubinshtein, 2004 and others) is based on the statement that studying grounds should lie in spiritual enrichment of students, reflexivity, an ability to use the acquired knowledge in changeable conditions. In the basis of the communication-activity approach there is conformity of consciousness and activity (Rubinshtein, 2004). Its application allows organising and realising learning activity in IDC formation according to its social essence – as productive inter-activity built on the basis of subject-to-subject relations of its participants. While outlining and attaining goals a person uses various means such as language, social norms, knowledge. It enables them to use previously accumulated social experience in order to acquire new one.

Thus communication-activity approach furthers students' realising and acquiring stages of the learning activity: orienting, cognitive, transforming and estimating, which is a necessary condition of IDC formation. As a personality is revealed and developed only in activity (Leontiev, 1975), the communication-activity approach to the IDC formation will serve as grounds for students' goal-setting, motivation, self-control and self-assessment.

Realisation of the competence approach (Zymnyaya, 2004; Raven, 2012; Khutorskoy, 2012) in the process of IDC formation determines practical orientation of the learning activity, i.e. has to provide the ability to use the acquired knowledge and skills in problem solving in the variety of learning and professional situations. The peculiarity of the competence approach is intensification of pragmatic and humanistic orientation of the learning process (Zymnyaya, 2004), its productive nature, the key role of practical and individual work in the learning process, comprehensive determination of learning achievements (Khutorskoy, 2012).

Thus the competence approach will make it possible to form students' self-sufficiency in dealing with problems, responsibility in taking decisions on the basis of the acquired social experience. The participants of the learning process will be able to assess results of their own activity, to orientate themselves in a variety of information sources, choose the optimal solution to the problem on their own.

Personality centred approach (Bondarevska,1999; Khutorskoy, 2012; Yakymanska, 1996 and others) is connected with the humanistic paradigm. It outlines the humanistic content of the learning process. Personality formation and development of such traits as self-esteem, moral and ethical norms, realisation of personal social activity, are mostly valued. The given approach is a methodological basis for development of students' reflexivity (ability for self-analysis, self-realisation and self-correction). A teacher should take into account the individual level of students' personal qualities (intellectual, creative, volitional, emotional, ethno-cultural), motivate them to manifest and develop personal natural capabilities. Thus the key goal of the learning activity is supposed to be certain psychological and pedagogical conditions that favour personal development of participants of the learning process.

Analysis of the notion of a personality as an individual who performs certain functions in interrelations with the environment, and has to master various aspects of cultural experience of people activity (Bozhovich, 2001), allows recognising the personality centred approach as a theoretical basis of IDC formation. Students' high productive involvement into the learning process will give further influence on productive collaboration with business partners, individual orientation in professional situations, initiative in setting and realising goals.

The ideas of scientists who made a significant contribution into development of the technological approach (Bespalko, 1989; Galperin, 1966; Lerner, 1981), give us grounds to emphasise its significance for IDC formation. As well as the system approach it is connected with the cognitive paradigm, as it orientates subjects of the learning process on multi-variability of its modelling on the basis of supporting schemes and patterns. Students' feedback will help a teacher to correct and adjust methods and forms of the learning activity according to the diagnosed goal. The result at each stage of the pedagogical technology will be compared with the ideal one in order to return to the previous stages of the pedagogical technology in case of necessity.

So, the outlined approaches to IDC formation determine conformity and multi-dimensionality of the corresponding learning process. They serve as the basis for modelling the pedagogical system and pedagogical technology of IDC formation. Their application favours improving the level of IDC that will increase competitiveness of Ukrainian graduates on the world labour market.

Let us consider the pedagogical system of IDC formation. The notion “pedagogical system” is connected with the system approach. As the pedagogical system is to feature the integrity of the educational system (Amonashvili, 2000), it has to be analysed both in statics (to analyse the pedagogical process) and dynamics (to organise and manage it as well as to develop communication which is based on the dialogue interaction between participants of the learning process).

The analysis of the pedagogical system in statics (that studies invariable structures, which provide order and integrity (Andrushchenko, 2005) presupposes the detailed examination of its invariable components: goal, general scientific and specific pedagogical principles, content, methods and forms of the learning activity, as well as its subjects.

Let us review the specified components of the pedagogical system that are based on the highlighted paradigms and approaches.

The main system forming element is supposed to be a goal which is reflection in an individual's mind of some specific needs, interests and values which a person's activity is directed at (Andrushchenko, 2005). Thus, any individual's activity can be characterised not as chaotic and unconscious but as one that is subjected to conscious and rational trend (Shinkaruk, 2002).

Expediency and conformity of ideas, acts and actions as for the learning process determine life quality, self-cognition, and development of an individual's spiritual qualities. Goal-setting will affect improvement and perfection of life qualities rather than adjustment to those which already exist (Amonashvili, 2000). So, the choice of pedagogical goals and ways to attain them influence the efficiency of the learning process.

Goals are supposed to correspond to specific criteria, such as hierarchy, diagnosticity, technological nature.

Modern pedagogy applies a widely accepted pattern of goals hierarchy at the following levels:

1) general pedagogical goals of the state education that are determined by the social demand for a certain personality ideal as a professional;

2) learning goals corresponding to each learning programme or subject;

3) practical goals of each study session (Novikov, 2013). The stated three levels of goals conform to V. Bespalko's classification as well, where the scientist indicates global, step-by-step and practical goals (Bespalko, 1989).

According to B. Bloom, the taxonomy of the learning goals in the cognitive sphere is presented by a six-level structure that involves knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, estimation (Bloom, 1956).

Among general pedagogical goals of the state education we emphasise transmitting experience to students in a specific type of activity and development of cultural and moral spheres of an individual.

Among the learning goals of the subject «Intercultural Discourse in Economic Activity» the following aims are to be outlined:

– increase of students' motivation as for preparing for intercultural discourse in their professional activity;

– formation of system concept about IDC in the professional activity as for its content, structure and function;

– development of corresponding skills and habits;

– formation of professionally significant qualities of students necessary for successful professional activity such as empathy and reflexion in the process of intercultural interaction.

Besides hierarchy of goals, the necessary demand for goal-setting is their diagnostic nature, i.e. objective and definite control of the degree to which the goal is attained (Bespalko, 1989). To check the criterion of goals diagnostic nature teachers are to compare the results of students' learning activity with the preplanned ones.

The students' learning activity is diagnosed at all stages of the learning process, with the help of methods of scientific observation, questionnaire and testing.

The technological nature of goals is checked at each stage of the learning activity. We outline the orientating, cognitive, transforming and reflexing stages for IDC formation on the basis of the invariable stages.

The aim of the orientating stage is to reveal gaps in students' knowledge, their expectations and demands as well as to orientate themselves in the general trend of the learning process. Our aim at the cognitive stage is to make students aware of the basic notions as for IDC content, structure and functions, to teach them to operate by algorithm. At the transforming stage students are to solve problems individually on the basis of the acquired knowledge and skills. The reflexing stage serves as a firm ground to assess the completed tasks and estimate how the acquired results correspond to the desired ones.

Determining goals relies on the principles that the learning process will be built on. They connect the goal and means of its realisation: content, methods, means and forms; serve as transitional link between theory and practice (Bezrukova,1996). Realisation of the pedagogical principles of IDC will diminish the revealed contradictions and thus will favour the efficiency of the learning process and further professional activity.

We apply the factor approach to indicate the pedagogical principles as for IDC formation and rules of their realisation (Petruschik, 1989).

The effect of the objective factor reproduces the contradiction between the objective demand of the Ukrainian society for economists who are able to collaborate efficiently in the intercultural environment, and the insufficient level of the formed IDC. To reduce the effect of this contradiction we rely on the principle of humanitarisation of the learning process in higher educational institutions, that is supported by the principle of interdisciplinary nature of IDC.

The effect of the subjective factor stipulates the contradiction between the need to increase professional training quality of future economists in higher educational institutions and insufficient elaboration of scientifically grounded pedagogical technologies of forming their IDC. In our opinion, the indicated contradiction will be lessened by the principle of integrity and optimisation of the learning process.

The personality factor reveals contradictions between the foremost need of the future economists to master IDC and unawareness in its peculiarities, methods and ways of its acquisition. The principles of culture conformity, professional aim conformity and visuality will diminish the effect of the mentioned contradiction.

The universal factor discloses the contradictions between the major need in subject-to-subject relations in the process of intercultural discourse and incompetence of specialists to regulate them. To lessen the effect of this contradiction the principles of humanisation and democratisation of higher professional education are used. The principles of humanisation and democratisation are supported by the principle of discourse interaction realisation and intercultural tolerance.

So the considered factors, scientific paradigms and approaches to IDC formation determine integrity and multifacetedness of the corresponding learning process, serve as the basis for modelling the pedagogical system. Their application will favour the increase in IDC level that on the whole will improve graduates' competitiveness on the world labour markets.

3. Results

In the modern conditions of international economic integration of Ukraine into the world community there is a sharp increase of collaboration among enterprises, institutions, firms, individual specialists – representatives of various business-cultures. Thus studying the process of intercultural communication competence is becoming more and more significant. The efficiency of professional interaction during intercultural communication to a high extent depends on a specialist's corresponding competence that is interpreted as basic knowledge, awareness in a specific sphere (Busel, 2003).

In our research we consider IDC as an integral part of intercultural communication. As it is known, the communication structure involves interconnected perception, information, interaction. So, IDC presupposes awareness as for the rules of building effective communication, ability to manage agreeable business relations, to reach mutual understanding on the grounds of tolerant attitude to cultural differences and peculiarities of communication partners.

The content is supposed to be one of the basic elements of the pedagogical system. The choice of content components is greatly influenced by realisation of the determined pedagogical goals and principles of IDC formation in the process of teaching future specialists in economics.

The content encompasses the system of students' knowledge, skills and habits, experience of their creative activity as well as their emotional and value attitude to the surrounding world (Kremen, 2008). A personality's speech structure also presupposes outlining four basic levels such as cognitive (verbal and semantic in particular); behaviour and ethno-cultural (Karaulov, 1987).

Due to changing economic conditions and corresponding shifts in the society's demands, the content of training future specialists for IDC is always exposed to updating according to the tasks of higher educational institutions and the goals of the subjects under study. Thus components of IDC formation have to provide efficiency and optimal nature of the learning process and affect other elements of the pedagogical system.

Proceeding from the fact that IDC stipulates acquiring experience of future specialists in economics, by outlining its components it is expedient to account of its experience elements as well. The philosophical analysis of the notion “experience” involves the sum total of means and ways of activity: 1) knowledge about the world (nature, society, strategies and ways of activity); 2) experience of realisation ways of activity expressed by skills and habits; 3) experience of creative activity that is revealed in people's readiness to solve problems; 4) experience of value attitude (demands, motives, emotions that influence a personality's world outlook and system of values) (Lerner, 1981). So by IDC formation students have to acquire experience in knowledge, psychological and behaviour sphere.

Let us consider the content of IDC formation in each of the determined spheres. Mastering theoretical knowledge in intercultural discourse (its specific volume, ways of acquiring and systematising) will take place at the level of the gnoseological component. In the process of professional training in the humanities, students master philosophical, culturological, psychological and linguistic aspects of the intercultural discourse.

Within the philosophical aspect students acquire knowledge in discourse as a tool to get acquainted with the rules of constructing intercultural dialogue based on dialogue philosophy, ethical principles of communication, cultural peculiarities of business partners. The culturological aspect gives students awareness of socio-cultural issues of moral communication norms, national cultural identity, behaviour patterns, concepts and norms of foreign culture professional environment. The psychological aspect of the IDC gnoseological component refers to knowledge of communication hindrances and barriers, stages of intercultural conflicts, individual and psychological peculiarities of partners. The linguistic aspect becomes even more significant in our research as intercultural discourse is a speech activity realised by verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Awareness of the linguistic aspect incorporates knowledge in language study, construction of oral and written discourse, communication norms, logical ways of argumentation, elocution, styles of speech, logical discourse links, similarities and differences of professional lexical units in various cultures, different communication strategies for efficient agreeable communication.

Experience of personal attitude to the surrounding world as an integral part of IDC formation will be realised in the emotional and value-oriented component. It deals with the needs of future economists in IDC formation. The content of the mentioned component should include tasks to form IDC values in the future professional sphere of economists, strong will to acquire and develop abilities of constructing intercultural discourse and analyse internal and external experience of realising discourse in the professional sphere, motivation to enlarge professional experience, cultural polycentrism, non-prejudice, tolerance, respect to values of other professional cultures, emotional sensitivity.

Mastering skills and habits of intercultural discourse and experience of creative activity is implemented in the communication- and activity-based component. It is revealed through realisation experience of discourse knowledge, skills and habits in various typical and non-typical professional cases. Students are to do tasks concerning development of oral and written discourse, elocution and culture of speech. Among discourse skills and habits of future economists are construction and recognition of culturally specific norms in professional utterances, flexible variation in speech means according to communication strategies, speech and non-speech behaviour in culturally specific professional situations, understanding and reproduction of foreign professional discourse.

Thus, on the basis of the communication structure; philosophical analysis of the notion “experience”, as well as competences (National Frame of Qualifications, 2011); we have outlined the following content components of IDC formation: gnoseological, emotional and value-oriented, communication- and activity-based. According to the determined components we have distinguished the corresponding criteria: cognitive, personal, operational.

Let us analyse the results of determining the level of the formed IDC of students as for the cognitive criterion at the starting stage of the experiment. The indices and levels of the formed IDC by the mentioned criterion are presented in Table 1.

Table 1
Indices and Levels of Formed IDC by Cognitive Criterion


Low Level

Satisfactory Level

Sufficient Level

High Level

1) knowledge quality:

- completeness

- efficiency

- flexibility

fragmentary, not systematised ideas about intercultural discourse, inability to construct intercultural discourse

not complete knowledge as for intercultural discourse in professional sphere, satisfactory skills to apply it in standard situations  of professional activity

sufficient mastering of intercultural categories, skills to implement the acquired knowledge in intercultural discourse

complete, efficient, flexible knowledge as for intercultural categories, positive experience of IDC

2) ways of acquiring new knowledge for IDC improvement

lack of knowledge as for ways of their acquisition

shallow ideas as for acquiring new knowledge in intercultural discourse

sufficient skills of individual search and analysis of information sources

high level of collecting, systematising and analysing information with the aim to enlarge knowledge

In order to determine the index of knowledge quality, the students have been proposed to write a complex test consisting of 5 tasks of different types: a complementary test, a ranging test, an alternative test, a test-comparison and a test-essay.

The tests have been estimated by V. Bespalko's method. According to it there are three levels of activity directed at acquiring knowledge: understanding, productive recognition, a reproductive algorithmic act, a productive heuristic act and a productive creative act (Bespalko, 1989). The methods of I. Podlasy, H. Yelnikova et al. have been applied to realise quantitative and qualitative analysis of the test results (Podlasy, 1998; Yelnikova & Borova & Poliakova, 2009).

According to I. Podlasy, information and content elements of texts (ICET) are reliable and objective criteria to estimate knowledge quality. The criterion choice is based on structural nature of the information under study: each element of the text consists of a certain amount of notions. The characteristic features of information under study are also taken into account to estimate the test results. Among them are time needed for students to solve tasks, quantity of mistakes, volume of acquired knowledge, that is characterised by correlation between actual tasks solving and its ideal variant (3.1) (Podlasy, 1998):

Another diagnostic method that has been applied in our research is questionnaire for students concerning analysis of knowledge acquisition in IDC. A student with a high level of the corresponding index uses as many as possible information sources to increase IDC, always analyses and checks the acquired valuable information. Decisions and world outlook of such a personality are based on several various sources of valuable knowledge. A low level by such a criterion is characterised on the contrary by concentrating on 1-2 information sources of discourse nature only, as well as non-analytical attitude to the information given, passive position by forming IDC.

As two diagnostic methods have been applied in our study to research the level of the formed IDC gnoseological component, a test is considered the main means (as it gives a sufficient informative idea about the level of students' knowledge), and questionnaire method is considered a supporting one (as its results reflect only one side as for the level of the formed IDC gnoseological component).

The results of the formed IDC of the future economists by the indices of the cognitive criterion at the starting stage of the experiment are presented in Table 2.

Table 2
Formed Intercultural Discourse Competence of Future
Economists by Indices of Cognitive Criterion (Starting Stage)


















ЕG (n)













ЕG (%)













CG (n)













CG (%)













The results of knowledge efficiency and flexibility by the cognitive criterion have revealed that students have mostly low and satisfactory level of the formed IDC. The indices of knowledge completeness are a little higher: in EG students have mostly sufficient level of the formed IDC. It is explained by the fact that students have mastered theoretical material (through electronic resources above all), but do not have practical skills of implementing the acquired knowledge into practice.

4. Conclusions

The experiment has proved that the majority of students do not have the formed intercultural discourse competence by the cognitive criterion, that would help them to interact efficiently with business partners of other cultures in an efficient way. Thus there is an urgent necessity to form IDC of future economists as a solid basis for their further successful professional development.

The research of the formed IDC by personal and operational criteria, as well as means of its formation, is under further study.

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1. Department of pedagogy, foreign philology and translation. Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. Teacher, PhD student.

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 40 (Nº 26) Year 2019


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