ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (Number 28) Year 2018 • Page 9

Methodological Foundations of the Information and Analytical Approach to Development of Small Entrepreneurship in the Sphere of Household Services

Fundamentos metodológicos de la información y el enfoque analítico para el desarrollo de la pequeña empresa en la esfera de los servicios del hogar

Yulia A. KOPYTINA 1; Elena N. GRISHINA 2; Natalia D. VORONTSOVA 3; Maria V. MAZUNINA 4; Irina V. MILCHIK 5

Received: 12/02/2018 • Approved: 20/03/2018


1. Introduction

2. Research methods

3. Literature overview

4. Research results

5. Discussion

6. Conclusions



The article analyzes modern conditions of development of entrepreneurial activities in the sphere of household services for population, where the key problem of its successful functioning is the lack of necessary information, which is a strategic resource of competitive business. The purpose of the research is to develop and substantiate the information and analytical approach to development of small entrepreneurship of the household services sphere. The main results consist in development and presentation of its methodological structure, which allows forming the idea on peculiarities of usage of information resources and on the content of interconnections of information elements (goal, tasks, mechanism of realization, and resources) which determine its theoretical model. The materials of the article could be useful for developing the conceptual directions for support and development of small entrepreneurship in the household sphere and could be interesting for business audience and various structures of public authorities at the regional and municipal levels.
Keywords: information, information and analytical approach, information environment, information provision, information data bases, monitoring, small entrepreneurship, household services sphere


El artículo analiza las condiciones modernas de desarrollo de las actividades empresariales en el ámbito de los servicios domésticos para la población, donde el problema clave de su funcionamiento exitoso es la falta de información necesaria, que es un recurso estratégico de negocios competitivos. El objetivo de la investigación es desarrollar y corroborar la información y el enfoque analítico para el desarrollo de la pequeña empresa de la esfera de servicios domésticos. Los principales resultados consisten en el desarrollo y presentación de su estructura metodológica, que permite formar la idea de peculiaridades de uso de los recursos de información y el contenido de las interconexiones de elementos de información (meta, tareas, mecanismo de realización y recursos) que determinan su teoría modelo. Los materiales del artículo podrían ser útiles para desarrollar las direcciones conceptuales para el apoyo y el desarrollo de la pequeña iniciativa empresarial en el ámbito familiar y podrían ser interesantes para el público de negocios y diversas estructuras de autoridades públicas a nivel regional y municipal.
Palabras clave: información, información y enfoque analítico, entorno de información, provisión de información, bases de datos de información, monitoreo, iniciativa empresarial pequeña, esfera de servicios domésticos

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1. Introduction

At present, creation and successfulness of functioning of entrepreneurial environment largely depends on the state policy in the sphere of support for small and medium entrepreneurship. However, under the dynamic and changing conditions of economy it is not always possible to cover all emerging issues related primarily to specifics of the sphere, its territorial peculiarities, and resource potential of state structures of management at the regional and local levels. One of the reasons of such situation is weak use of the system of the system of information provision in the sphere of assessment of its development. Thus, in the household services sphere this problem lies in such issues as complex accounting of activities oh household services companies, determining the volumes of their hidden activities and determining the structure of needs. The existing situation could be explained by limitation of the statistical data base (lack of necessary information) on development of entrepreneurial environment of the household service sphere. Thus, the managers of various levels have a need for strategic resource which allows increasing not only effectiveness of development of this sphere of services but also its quality. Thus, implementation of the information and analytical approach to development of entrepreneurial environment of household services sphere is very topical and allows solving the following tasks:

1) effective formation of the most comprehensive and diverse information data base;

2) stimulating the development of information potential;

3) provision of reliable high-quality information according to the demands of the targeted audience;

4) improvement of existing tools and development of more effective tools of collection, processing, and distribution of information.

5) timely actualization of information data bases;

6) formation of partnership relations with participants of the information process;

7) cooperation and possibility of provision of feedback with consumers.

2. Research methods

The main methods of the research are systemic analysis, modeling, generalization, etc. The leading method of the research is the method of dialectic cognition, which allows conducting theoretical substantiation of the content and interconnections between the structural elements of the information and analytical approach as a single whole. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research consists of the works of economists, devoted to the theory of entrepreneurship, regularities of development of information рынка, and foundations of service activities; the information basis of the research also includes the normative legislative acts of the RF that regulate activities in the sphere of development of small entrepreneurship, including in the household services sphere of the population.

The research object is small companies in the household services sphere of a municipal entity.

3. Literature overview

Special contribution into studying the foundations of the theory of entrepreneurship was done by such foreign scholars as J. Schumpeter, R. Cantillon, A. Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, etc. The Russian practice of studying the foundations of entrepreneurship is presented in the works of A.V. Busygin, G.K. Gins, M.G. Lapusta, M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky, et al. The regularities of development of information market are studied in the works of E.L. Bogdanova, A.L. Zarubina, I.A. Kokina, etc. The foundations of service sphere and service relations are set in the works of Russian and foreign scholars: P. Kotler, L, Berry, V. Bolgov, T.D. Burmenko, etc. Peculiarities of the household service sphere were studied by such economists as V.I. Borisevich, P.S. Geyzler, G.A. Menshikov, etc.

Experience presented in the works of Russian and foreign scholars allowed forming the fundamental basis of knowledge, which stimulates establishment of the sphere of entrepreneurship in the system of service. Development of this sphere of business requires further elaboration. This is caused by the influence of various factors, the actual contents of which are seen in socialization of economic processes, which is seen in growth of their service; attractive ideology of behavior of a modern consumer; processes of informatization; growth of competitive environment; emergence of innovational entrepreneurship, etc.

As most companies of household services sphere are small, successfulness of its functioning and development depend on the state policy in the sphere of support for small enterprises, the fundamental approach of which is determined by Federal law No. 209-FZ “Regarding development of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation”, passed on July 24, 2007. This document contains the main goals and principles of state policy on development of the subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship, peculiarities of legal regulation, and various forms of support: financial, property, information, consultation, support in the sphere of innovations and industrial production, foreign economic activities, etc. The main supplements to the Federal law include various normative and legal acts which constitutes the structure of the complex of key provisions that determine the state concept of the strategy of development and support for small entrepreneurship. At present, this complex of legal tools is a means of achieving the set goals in various spheres of activities and a form of territorial management. The actual documents in the sphere of development ad support for small entrepreneurship are as follows:

- the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the RF until 2020, established by the Decree of the Government of the RF;

- forecast of long-term socio-economic development of the RF until 2030;

- the main provisions of the Strategy of development of the National guarantee system of support for small and medium entrepreneurship until 2020;

- state program of the RF “Economic development and innovational economy”, passed by the Decree of the Government of the RF;

- strategy of innovational development of the RF until 2020, established by the Decree of the Government of the RF.

However, in the dynamic and changing conditions of economy, the existing complex of measures cannot always take into account and cover all scale of the emerging issues related to the specifics of the sphere, its territorial peculiarities of development, and resources potential of state structure of management at the regional and local levels. As of now, this tendency is the key one in development of most directions of business at the consumer market of various regions. In the existing situation, the sphere of household services is not an exception. However, at the federal level there is no single differentiated approach in formation of the strategy of its development. That’s why each subject of the RF determines its own regional policy.

4. Research results

Implementation of the information and analytical approach supposes formation of the single information environment in which the strategic resources is topical and objective information on development of enterprises of the household services sphere (Figure 1). Information environment is a totality of data bases and technologies of their use which ensure information interaction of all subjects of market relations, as well as satisfaction of their information needs. Thus, the goal of the offered approach is to form the comprehensive information environment for effective development of small entrepreneurship in the household services sphere.

The main structural components of information space are as follows:

а) information resources that contain the data established at various carriers;

b) organizational structure that ensure functioning and development of information environment, in particular: collection, processing, storing, distribution, search, and transfer of information;

c) means if information interaction of the subjects of market relations that provide access to information resources on the basis of various information technologies that include program and technical means and organizational and normative documents.

The mechanism of implementing the information and analytical approach supposes opening the basic and specific functions of entrepreneurship in the service sphere and using various tools that allow conducting monitoring and analysis and systematizing and processing the received data. A desire to solve problems quickly and rationally determines the need for actual information. Achievement of this goal in development of business environment is impossible without implementation of the distinguished functions. Thus, for example, analytical and information & research functions allows considering the appearance of new types of services in their classification structure and developing and implementing more perfect information resources, which could be lists and classifiers. In view of the complex nature of the household service, i.e., its ambiguous character in belonging to a certain group of services, development and improvement of these tools become especially topical, as their application is most important in systematization of the structure of service sphere.

Figure 1
The model of information approach in development
of small enterprises of the household service sphere

Also, manifestation of political and socio-cultural functions in the household services sphere stimulates formation of the system of business relations, the results of development of which is the complex of legislative measures that are the legal basis and inseparable element in the structure of information provision of the household services sphere. Thus, implementation of the mechanism of the information and analytical approach through manifestation of the basic and specific functions of entrepreneurship in the service sphere allows creating a complex of more perfect information technologies and the system of modern tools and technical means that take into account specifics of a household sphere and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of entrepreneurial works.

At present, the most topical information for all participants of development of entrepreneurial environment of household services sphere is the following:

- economic and marketing information on development of household infrastructure – on the whole for the country and at the sub-federal and municipal levels;

- economic and marketing information on development of innovational directions in the household services sphere;

- analytical information on financial indicators of development of household services companies;

- normative and legal information related to the issues of the main provision of development, regulation, standards, norms, and rules of household services, as well as classification of types of household services;

- information on the system of measures of state support and development of of the household service sphere.

That’s why implementation of the information and analytical approach is aimed at solving the following tasks of small entrepreneurship in the household services sphere:

1) effective formation of the most comprehensive and diverse information data base;

2) stimulating the development of information potential;

3) provision of reliable high-quality information according to the demands of targeted audience;

4) improvement of existing and development of more effective tools of collection, processing, and distribution of information.

5) formation of partnership relations with participants of the information process;

The resources for solving the above tasks are the groups of information bases:

- socio-economic one is aimed at formation of information sources that characterize: level of satisfaction of the population in household services; assessment of development and systematization of internal structure of household services; economic and financial indicators of activities oh household services’ companies; volumes of needs for usage of production capacities and the necessary personnel; development of rational forms of economy and the whole complex of social household infrastructure; number and dynamics of employment in household sphere; determining the types of household services subject to subsidized taxation; volumes of shadow economy that influence dynamics of financial revenues into budgets of various levels;

- political and legal one creates the complex of information resources that determine the organizational aspects of development of the household service sphere related to its strategic planning in the structure of entrepreneurial environment, where the foundation is development and formation of necessary legislative basis that stimulates development of business. In particular, federal laws on development and support for small and medium entrepreneurship, household services and craft activities, protection of consumer rights; federal, regional, and municipal programs of development of small and medium entrepreneurship; concepts, strategies, and forecasts of socio-economic development of the RF, including at the regional and municipal levels; tax and labor codes; standards, norms, and rules of household services. Due to social significance and multi-form structure of household services, legal resources can solve the issues aimed at cooperation of public authorities and representatives of business sphere. Establishment of such partnership connections stimulates creation of a modern system of household services, sustainable business cultures, and emergence of an objective political power in the structure of public authorities which represents interests of this sphere of activities and this forms civil position of the society;

- innovational one is a totality of marketing sources of information related to search and formation of new structure of forms and types of small entrepreneurship in the sphere of household services; development and implementation of more perfect methods of management, and regulation and reduction of risks in service of household services companies; determining the top-priority directions of entrepreneurial environment of this business; manifestation and development of creative potential of service entrepreneur.

The tools of the information approach may include:

- established (at the regional or municipal levels) list of household services companies and state lists individuals and legal entities (EGRUL and EGRIP); list of small and medium enterprises. It should be noted that the list is one of the effective tools that form not only the integrity of the legal field but characterize the state of business environment and constitutes the part of its single information environment. At the regional (municipal) level, the form of list could be presented in the following form (Table 1).

Table 1
The form of list of enterprises of the household service sphere












Company title

Consumer’s corner

Manager’s name

Factual address

Legal address


Organizational and legal form














Number of companies in the network


Area of premises

Number of employees

Factors that restrain development of the company


- new all-Russian classifiers of economic activities and types of products (ОKPD, OKVED). We think that OKDP 2 and OKVED 2 are new classifiers which take into account all drawbacks and peculiarities of harmonization according to the similar systems in Western countries;

- official sources of statistical data bases (Federal State Statistics Service, including at the level of subjects of the RF);

- legal Internet resources: system “ConsultantPlus”, official web-sites of the Handicrafts Chamber of Russia and its branches in regions, as well as various ministries and departments at all levels of management, federal and regional portals of small and medium entrepreneurship;

- within monitoring (collection of initial information) it could be questionnaires, etc. An example is the form of observation checklist for monitoring of the household service sphere of the population (Table 2).  

Table 2
Form of observation checklist used for monitoring of
the household services sphere at the consumer market

Besides, it is possible to use various interactive mapping services (Google Maps, Yandex.Maps, 2GIS, etc.) which allow conducting monitoring of the studied objects without leaving home.

- For the purpose of effective processing and systematization of information, various program products could be used – in particular, Microsoft Access 2010, which is a system of data bases management (SDBM). The program product is an application – a part of Microsoft Office. The result of using the technical capabilities of SDBM Access (determining logical interconnections between various data masses, creation of queries based on the set criteria, etc.) is creation of the structure of information base that allows determining, analyzing, and describing the main tendencies and problems of development of the household services market. Besides, technical peculiarities of program provision of SDBM Access allow the user (researcher) to store, edit, and update the formed data bases, with automatic correction in the context of set logical interconnection between themselves.

For evaluation of expedience of implementation of the information and analytical approach in development of the household service sphere, it is possible to use the indicators of efficiency, calculated on the basis of information of each of the offered information bases:

- socio-economic basis could be a source of data for calculation of the existing and additional economic systems of indicators that characterize the development of the household service sphere. In the first case it is growth rate of the volume of household services, including per capita, growth rate of the objects of household services (including reception centers), and their provision per 1,000 people. In the second – in view of the possibilities of using such tools as monitoring and list of household services companies, it is possible to receive the actual information, which allows calculating and using additional indicators, in particular: growth rate of factual quantity of the employed; correspondence of the normative indicator of provision by companies of household services sphere to the factual one; ratio of factual and accountable quantity of companies of household services sphere; share of certified and categorizes enterprises in the structure of factual number of objects of household services, as well as the level of consumers’ satisfaction with provision of household services, and ratio of the volume of unaccounted household services to the volume of services for the data of statistical accounting;

- the political and legal base could be the foundation for calculating the indicators that show the establishment of effective strategic decisions in the sphere of development of entrepreneurial activities of the household service sphere, namely: growth rate of the volume of tax revenues from the activities of household companies; growth rate of the number of registered enterprises; growth rate of the number of the employed in the sphere; level of satisfaction of entrepreneurs by the policy conducted by public authorities in the sphere of development of household infrastructure; growth rate of provided consultation services and address support;

- innovational base could be a source of data for the following indicators: share of new forms and types of household services in their total volume; coefficient of novelty of the structure of types of household services, motivations of entrepreneurs for innovations in the service sphere, growth rate of implemented innovational projects.

The main targeted groups of users of information resources are the following: entrepreneurs-novelties who just entered the market; existing entrepreneurs of small business; public and commercial structures of support for entrepreneurship (handicraft chambers, associations of entrepreneurs); specialized information, marketing, and consultation centers; services of state statistics and tax bodies; public authorities of all levels of management; political movements and individuals interested in the issues of development of entrepreneurship.

The expected result from the information and analytical approach is seen in stimulation of business activity, expansion of the spheres and markets in the household services sphere, achievement of socio-economic indicators within conduct of strategic development of territory at the regional and municipal levels; formation of sustainable partnership cooperation between public authorities and business environment

5. Discussion

Analysis of scientific literature showed that the sphere of application of the information and analytical approach is different. It is possible to note the sphere of management of development of the regional system of physical training and sports, optimization of commodity and financial operations in sectorial markets, creation of the systems of corporate planning, analysis of investment projects in selection of the strategy of development of shipping companies, etc. It should be noted that each case shows an author’s view on the possibilities of application of this approach. In the sphere of management of development of the regional system of physical training and sports the author’s attention is concentrated on creation of a general model of the information and analytical system of complex evaluation of targeted programs implementation, which includes: targeted indicators and indicators of targeted programs; expected final results of these programs; sources of information that reflect the results of achievement of planned targeted indicators (monitoring of consumers of physical training and healthcare services, statistical indicators of development of culture and sport). In the sphere of optimization of commodity and financial operations in the sectorial markets, the information and analytical approach is viewed in the context of “…transition to the complex information and analytical support for commodity and financial flows of the country by transferring the interconnected electronic trade platforms of the main volume of deals conducted by legal entities with commodity resources (starting from RUB 500,000)”. At that, the tools should include through automatized monitoring for support for commodity operations and development of information and analytical platforms on the basis of creation and integration of electronic trade platforms. In creation of the systems of corporate planning, the information and analytical approach is viewed on the basis of development of analytical models of short-term forecasting of the results of operational activities of the corporation with the use of information systems with feedback that allow correcting parameters of the models in view of new data on the forecasting object. Information provision includes the systems of statistical modeling and intellectual analysis of data, analytical systems of class BI (Business Intelligence) and СPM (Сorporate performance management), as well as developments in the sphere of predictive analytics. In the development of shipping companies, the offered approach is based on analysis of investment projects that determine the optimal choice of strategic solutions in the sphere of establishment and renovation of the fleet. The sources of information are operative and forecast data, in particular the system of economic and financial indicators, as well as the level of investment risk. The main method of the approach is the method of analysis of hierarchies which ensures the conduct of decomposition of the investment problem and, thus, stimulates the increase of argumentation of investment decisions. Analyzing the application of the information and analytical approach in various spheres of activities, it is possible to note that each author applies his own conceptual vision in its approbation – this is related to specifics of the sphere of activities and to general methodological provisions that open the essence of this approach. Various mechanisms and tools of information provision are used, which is expressed in application of computer technologies, the result of implementation of which is creation of wide analytical data bases or modeling and forecasting of business situations in view of modern tendencies of economic development. It should be noted that application of monitoring which allows receiving current information on the processes or objects of the research in various spheres of activities remains topical. Also, analysis of existing statistical data bases remains topical – however, most authors note that their application does not provide an objective assessment in the context of studied problems. Modern forms of statistical accounting “…hide specific peculiarities and details of economic processes in the sectorial, territorial and corporate views”. Besides, it should be taken into account that often the author’s vision of the information and analytical approach is described within application of information provision, without distinguishing its full methodological structure, which allows forming an idea not only on peculiarities of usage of information resources but on the contents of interconnections between the information elements (goal, tasks, mechanism of realization, resources) that determine its theoretical models.

6. Conclusions

The modern economic situation is peculiar for large increase of intensity of information exchange. Information is viewed as an economic resource, which is the basis for creation of new mechanisms of optimization of economic relations and stimulates the increase of effectiveness of companies’ functioning. Creation of a modern system of information provision is topical – it could be used as a strategic resource in management and development of household infrastructure at the consumer market. In view of this, implementation of the information and analytical approach will have a positive effect for the structure of management bodies, in particular for the regional and municipal levels, as well as for representatives of business of household infrastructure. In the first case, this will stimulate the formation of the corresponding information and analytical support, necessary for justified decisions on the wide specter of strategic tasks of socio-economic development of the territory; in the second case – expansion of possibilities for receipt of high-quality information, address support from public authorities, and activation and presentation of their interests within the improvement of the legal field.


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1. Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia

2. Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia

3. Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia

4. Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia

5. Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Number 286) Year 2018


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