ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (# 21) Year 2018. Page 35

Peculiarities of emotional and volitional component of creative giftedness of adolescents

Peculiaridades del componente emocional y voluntario del talento creativo de adolescentes


Received: 12/01/2018 • Approved: 19/02/2018


1. Introduction

2. Methods

3. Results and discussion

4. Conclusion



The purpose of the paper is to reveal the peculiarities of the emotional and volitional component of creative giftedness of adolescents. The study was undertaken based on South Ural State Institute of Arts named after P.I Tchaikovsky with participation of the 4th - 8th -form schoolchildren majoring in preprofessional and general developmental directions (N=220). Among them, 141 people (64,1%) were the students of music and folklore departments, 79 people (35,9%) were the students of the choreography department. The average age of the testees was 12 years old. The test-questionnaire “Emotional orientation of the individual” by B.I. Dodonov was used along with observation and the experts’ viewpoint to identify the types of general emotional individual orientation. Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), adapted by A.G. Shmelev, was used to diagnose emotional self-control as one of the factors of the emotional and volitional component of creative giftedness of adolescents. The most attractive emotional experiences for adolescents were praxic, altruistic, esthetic and romantic emotions. Praxic emotions, connected with successfulness in activity and goal achievement, were chosen by 21,4% of testees in the pianists’ group. Altruistic emotions, caused by the need for unselfish interaction with social environment, were the most significant for 12,8%. Romantic experiences, as valuable personal emotions, were demonstrated by 10,9% of testees. The esthetic type of emotional orientation was also identified as dominant (13,7%), but the type of gloric emotions, as the most valuable one in adolescence, manifested itself weakly (9,0%). A low level of creative giftedness of middle school-age children, from the viewpoint of peculiarities of the emotional and volitional component, was connected with the fact that the process of creative activity was not always tinged with positive emotions, and a very scarce repertory of emotional and volitional personal qualities was diagnosed. At an average level of creative giftedness of adolescents, emotional satisfaction with the process of creative activity was unstable; personal qualities were expressed ununiformly in the volitional behaviour of children. At a high level of creative giftedness of adolescents, the process of creative activity was accompanied by emotions of “joyfulness of cognition”; volitional behaviour of the personality was of pronounced nature.
Keywords: sensitive period, gifted adolescent, creative activity, emotional individual orientation, type of general emotional orientation, emotional self-control


El propósito del artículo es revelar las peculiaridades del componente emocional y volitivo del talento creativo de los adolescentes. El estudio se llevó a cabo en base al Instituto de Artes del Sur del Estado de los Urales, nombrado en honor a P.I Chaikovski con la participación de los alumnos de 4 ° a 8 ° grado que se especializan en las direcciones de desarrollo preprofesional y general (N = 220). Entre ellos, 141 personas (64,1%) eran estudiantes de departamentos de música y folclore, 79 personas (35,9%) eran estudiantes del departamento de coreografía. La edad promedio de los testees fue de 12 años. El cuestionario de prueba "Orientación emocional del individuo" por B.I. Dodonov se utilizó junto con la observación y el punto de vista de los expertos para identificar los tipos de orientación individual general emocional. Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), adaptado por A.G. Shmelev, se usó para diagnosticar el autocontrol emocional como uno de los factores del componente emocional y volitivo de la dotes creativas de los adolescentes. Las experiencias emocionales más atractivas para los adolescentes fueron las emociones práxicas, altruistas, estéticas y románticas. Las emociones práxicas, conectadas con el éxito en la actividad y el logro del objetivo, fueron elegidas por el 21,4% de los participantes en el grupo de pianistas. Las emociones altruistas, causadas por la necesidad de interacción desinteresada con el entorno social, fueron las más significativas para el 12,8%. El 10,9% de los testees demostraron experiencias románticas, como emociones personales valiosas. El tipo estético de orientación emocional también se identificó como dominante (13,7%), pero el tipo de emociones gloriosas, como el más valioso en la adolescencia, se manifestó débilmente (9,0%). Un bajo nivel de dotes creativas de los niños de escuela intermedia, desde el punto de vista de las peculiaridades del componente emocional y volitivo, estaba conectado con el hecho de que el proceso de actividad creativa no siempre estaba teñido de emociones positivas, y un repertorio muy escaso de Se diagnosticaron cualidades personales emocionales y volitivas. A un nivel promedio de talento creativo de los adolescentes, la satisfacción emocional con el proceso de la actividad creativa era inestable; las cualidades personales se expresaron de forma no uniforme en el comportamiento volitivo de los niños. A un alto nivel de talento creativo de los adolescentes, el proceso de la actividad creativa estuvo acompañado de emociones de "alegría de la cognición"; El comportamiento volitivo de la personalidad era de naturaleza pronunciada.
Palabras clave: período sensible, adolescente dotado, actividad creativa, orientación emocional individual, tipo de orientación emocional general, autocontrol emocional

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1. Introduction

One of the main personality manifestations of a creatively gifted child, determining the emotional and volitional nature of any activity performed by one, is emotional individual orientation. Personality orientation is interpreted by researchers (L.I. Bozhovich, B.I. Dodonov, S.L. Rubinstein et al.) as an existing system of its most important special-purpose programs, determining a meaningful unity of initiative human behaviour, resisting occasional life circumstances (Bozhovich, 1968; Vygotski, 1991; Dodonov, 1978; Rubinstein, 1989). The individual orientation is connected with central formation of the motivational sphere – needs. It is known that when the human being satisfies certain needs, certain emotions and feelings arise. Emotions are a subjective (psychic) form of needs’ existence (Rubinstein, 1989).

Depending on subjective value of arising experiences, which accompany the human needs, ten variants of “valuable” emotions and corresponding types of general emotional orientation of the personality have been revealed: altruistic, communicative, praxic, gnostic, romantic, pugnic, esthetic, gloric, acquisitive, hedonic (Dodonov, 1978).

The presented classification of the most valuable emotional experiences not only accompanies the reflected content of the basic needs, but also predisposes the personality to a corresponding type of activity. Valuable emotions determine the human choice of the activity sphere that matches one’s emotional orientation in the best possible way. In the authors’ opinion, the clearly pronounced emotional nature of the creatively gifted personality is composed of predominantly praxic, altruistic, romantic and gnostic emotions.

The emotional and volitional component is, first of all, represented by emotional self-control, persistence, decisiveness, independence (self-reliance). Success in any activity, including creative, is determined not only, and sometimes not so much by abilities and favourable life circumstances as by personality human qualities – one’s aspiration for the goal, persistence in its achievement despite the arising difficulties; one’s ability to adjust one’s mood and not to allow stress to influence the personality behavior (Dolgova, Kutepova, Kapitanets, Kryzhanovskaya, Melnik, 2017). Taking into account also age-related peculiarities of child’s psyche development (at the beginning – childish impulsiveness, inability to focus one’s attention on some single object, and later – a multitude of different interests typical of adolescence), namely the emotional and volitional component will provide its further development in the general system of creative giftedness of the child (Afanasev, 1981).

2. Methods

The test-questionnaire “Emotional orientation of personality” by B.I. Dodonov is aimed at identifying the type of general emotional orientation of personality, such as altruistic, gnostic, communicative, acquisitive, praxic, pugnic, esthetic, gloric, romantic, hedonic. To diagnose emotional self-control as one of the factors of the emotional and volitional component of creative giftedness of adolescence, Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), adapted by A.G. Shmelev, was used (Burlachuk, 2006; Raigorodski, 1998).

For the purpose of this study, the authors processed only those data that recorded the phenomenon of interest to the authors (only the factor of emotional stability/instability) (Zagvyazinski, 2008; Noos, 2006; Sidorenko, 2003). The factor, diagnosed by the authors, describes the state, characterizing the personality from the position of emotional stability, anxiety, the level of emotional self-control and self-respect. This factor is bipolar and forms the scale, on the one pole of which there are people, characterised by preservation of the organized behavior, by situational orientation not only in everyday, but also in stress situations, by emotional maturity and good adaptivity. There were only 14, 1% of such children (31 people) among the respondents tested by the authors.

On the other pole of the scale, there are people who differ by high indicators of nervous system lability: pronounced sensitivity and restlessness in stress situations, predisposition to irritability and impulsiveness when meeting people, bad adaptation in the situations of rapid change of circumstances. There were 30,5% (67 people) of adolescents, having emotional instability, in the sample under study. The major part of the testees was between these two poles; 55,4% (122 people) were closer to the centre.

3. Results and discussion

According to the obtained data, the most attractive emotional experiences for adolescents were praxic, altruistic, esthetic and romantic emotions. Praxic emotions, related to the successfulness of activity and goal achievement, were chosen by 47 people (21,4%) in the pianists’ group, which correlated with their peculiarities (Burdina, 2012). Altruistic emotions, caused by the need for unselfish interaction with social environment, were the most significant for 28 people (12,8%). Romantic experiences as valuable personal emotions were traced in 24 schoolchildren (10,9%).

Having studied the most valuable emotions of adolescents, participating in this experiment, one can conclude that the most frequently encountered type of emotional orientation of personality of the creatively gifted child is praxic and altruistic types of emotional orientation. Presence of such tendency can be explained by, first, specifics of educational activity of children, submerged into the sphere of early preprofessional education: the pleasure that is experienced by a young musician, dancer, artist, a “creator” of beauty, makes one work and work, passing through everyday lessons, accompanied by patient search of the most successful solution of engineering and art tasks, by revising over and over again passages and exercises to experience “finest hours ” of their destiny in rare moments of concert performances. That is why, achieving success and emotions of satisfaction, accompanying it, are the most significant emotional experiences in professional life of future representatives of creative professions.

Second, in the authors’ viewpoint, the presence of altruistic manifestations in the motivational sphere of testees’ personality is connected with peculiarities of the sample itself, based on which the study has been conducted. The children, taking part in the experiment, are the children who study in the sphere of art education, which, as is well known, possesses a high nurturing potential. As V.A. Sukhomlinski noted, music (artistic, pictorial) nurturing is not a nurturing of a musician, but a nurturing of a human being (Sukhomlinski, 1983).

The authors suppose that namely moral and world-outlook views of the personality, formed during esthetic nurturing and education in the art sphere, determined the predominance of altruistic motivation and readiness for realisation of altruistic behaviour of adolescents.

As applied to the subject of this study, it is necessary to note that the focusing of the personality on oneself and predominance of selfish tendencies are an obstacle in cognitive and creative activity. Unrestrained desire for self-assertion and pursuit of effective results, gloric, and at the same time, selfish orientation creates barriers for manifestation of “creative” personality. In case of predominance of altruistic views, the human being is more capable of unselfish cognition and creation of an original and unique product, which is completely devoid of vanity; one is always an outstanding heuristic person. The person who is true to oneself, who, to a certain extent, forgets about oneself being involved in the labour of love, is able to fulfill oneself creatively.

Presence of the romantic type of emotional orientation of the personality enhances manifestation of creative individual giftedness (24 people (10,9%)). On the one hand, this fact can be related to age peculiarities of development of the emotional sphere of adolescent’s personality of this age group; on the other hand – to the presence of a cognitive potential typical namely of a creative personality.

Along with the types of adolescents’ emotional orientation, described by the authors, the esthetic type of emotional orientation has also revealed itself as dominant (30 people/13,7%), which confirms once more the idea that creative (in this case, properly, artistic) giftedness cannot exist in isolation from the main content of activity and individual talents of the personality.

Besides, one should note very weak manifestation of gloric emotions as the most valuable in adolescence (20 people/9,0%). Taking into account age-related alterations of the motivational sphere of children of this age (weakening of cognitive motivation in one and its strengthening in the other child), this fact was anticipated by the authors (Leites, 2003; Rean, 2005; Sapogova, 2005; Iakobson, 1996).

Distribution of children by levels of manifestation of emotional self-control (Eysenck Personality Inventory, N=220) points, first, to intermittent and multidirectional development of the child’s emotional sphere, “experiencing” the adolescence period; second, to excessive lability of individual psyche, being a certain predisposition to realisation of creative kinds of activity, characterised by the increasingly emotive nature (Dolgova, Kutepova, Kapitanets, Kryzhanovskaya, Melnik, 2017). Thus, the authors tend to state that namely adolescence is a sensitive period in the development of emotional self-control, being one of the main factors of the emotional and volitional component of creative giftedness of children, which indicates acute need for individual and creative qualities namely in adolescence (Bogoiavlenskaia, 2015; Ilin, 2011).

Frequent failures during solution of intellectual and creative tasks lead to the fact that an adolescent starts to fear facing every new situation, and when one meets arising difficulties or problems, one’s creative abilities seem unable to manifest themselves as they are under the oppression of fear, anxiety and self-distrust (Dolgova, Vasilenko, Kapitanets, Kondratieva and Zhakupova 2017; Zhakupova et al., 2017). To manifest and to develop subsequently individual creative giftedness, the feeling of confidence and stability relatively to external and internal actions, the sense of accuracy of performing one or another task is necessary (Dolgova, Rokitskaya, Kondratieva, Arkaeva and Kryzhanovskaya, 2017; Emelyanova et al., 2017).

4. Conclusion

The undertaken study showed that the most attractive emotional experiences for adolescents were praxic, altruistic, esthetic and romantic emotions. Praxic emotions, related to the successfulness of one’s activity and goal attainment, were chosen by 21,4% in the group of pianists. Altruistic emotions, evoked by the need for unselfish interaction with social environment, were the most significant for 12,8%. Romantic experiences as valuable personal emotions were demonstrated by 10,9% of testees. The esthetic type of emotional orientation also revealed itself as dominant (13,7%), and the type of gloric emotions, as the most valuable in adolescence, revealed itself weakly (9,0%).

The low level of creative giftedness of the middle-school age children from the viewpoint of peculiarities of the emotional and volitional component was related to the fact that the process of creative activity was not always tinged with positive emotions and was diagnosed as a very scarce repertory of emotional and volitional qualities of the personality.

At the average level of creative giftedness of adolescents, emotional satisfaction, obtained from the process of creative activity, was unstable; in the volitional behaviour of children, personality qualities were expressed nonuniformly.

At the high level of creative giftedness of adolescents, the process of creative activity was accompanied by emotions of “joyfulness of cognition”; volitional behaviour of the personality was of pronounced nature.


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1. South Ural State Institute of Arts named after P.I Tchaikovsky, Russia, 454091, Chelyabinsk, Plekhanov Street, 41.

2. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Russia, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenin Avenue, 69. E-mail:

3. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Russia, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenin Avenue, 69

4. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Russia, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenin Avenue, 69

5. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Russia, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenin Avenue, 69

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 21) Year 2018


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