ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 39 (# 02) Year 2018. Page 12

Pedagogical accompany system of university students' professional development

Sistema de acompañamiento pedagógico del proceso de formación profesional de estudiantes en centros de enseñanza superior

Olga V. STUKALOVA 1; Valery V. GREBENNIKOV 2; Gulnara F. RUCHKINA 3; Natalya I. BESEDKINA 4; Lyubov V. KOCHNEVA 5

Received: 16/12/2017 • Approved: 20/12/2017


1. Introduction

2. Methodological Framework

3. Results and Discussions

4. Conclusions

5. Acknowledgments

Bibliographic references


The paper presents the pedagogical accompany technologies, describes pedagogical situations aimed at developing communication skills, skills of self-presentation, reflexion and decentration. The stages of vitally meaningful strategies' mastering in the process of professional development are defined, when students immanently learn to overcome certain destructive phenomena in their personal and professional development, forming a stable motivation for full-fledged self-realization in the profession. The paper presents the results of a long-term study conducted in the universities of Moscow, Arzamas, Taganrog, and Ulyanovsk.
Keywords professional development, mastering of vitally meaningful strategies, students of universities and colleges, pedagogical accompany, self-realization in the profession, educational environment


El artículo estudia las tecnologías de acompañamiento pedagógico, describe las situaciones pedagógicas destinadas para el desarrollo de las capacidades de comunicación, autorepresentación, reflexión y decentralización. Se determinan las etapas de aprendizaje de las estrategias del sentido de la vida en el proceso de formación profesional cuando los estudiantes aprenden a superar inmanentamente varios fenómenos destructivos en su desarrollo profesional y personal, formando la motivación estable para la autorrealización completa en la profesión. En el articulo están citados los resultados de varios años de investigación efectuada en los centros de enseñanza superior de la ciudad de Moscú, Arzamás, Taganrog, Ulyánovsk.
Palabras clave: formación profesional, aprendizaje de estrategias del sentido de la vida, estudiantes de los centros de enseñanza superior e institutos de educación secundaria, acompañamiento pedagógico, autorrealización en profesión, ambiente educativo

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1. Introduction

The students’ professional developmental growth in the process of university training, including the motivation development for professional and personal growth, and the professional stability development, and the value attitude education to the profession is a process which is directly correlated with the process of personality formation. The unity core is here - a conscious motivation to work, an understanding of the social significance of one’s labor, when in the form of asserting oneself in desire and willingness to work for one's own good and the good of society, a person establishes himself as a personality. Participation in socially significant labor provides the person with the conditions for the formation of a special life position (Shaidullina et al., 2015a,b; Lisitzina et al., 2015; Zakirova & Koletvinova, 2014; Kamalova &  Zakirova, 2014; Khuziakhmetov & Nasibullov, 2016; Khuziakhmetov & Gabdrakhmanova, 2016; Kong, Kayumova & Zakirova, 2017). At the same time, it is the nature, volume, functions of labor activity at all stages of the person's mental development that determine the level of a person’s consciousness and self-consciousness development. Psychologically, this is justified by the fact that socially significant labor puts a person in the position of an equal member of society, bringing satisfaction from creating a real product.  The most important determinant of personal and professional development is the internal importance of labor. At the same time professional growth development has a leading influence on the creation of the individual's "image" as a system,

Consequently, the problem field "pedagogical accompany of the university student professional development " has two dimensions: activity-oriented and personal one. These directions are united by the axiological principle of reliance on the relations value system between people and the person own attitude to his or her chosen profession.

Understanding the inextricable relationship between professional and personal growth development determines the level of personality self-actualization, his or her confidence in the correctly chosen life path, satisfaction with the life quality, the motivation stability and the understanding of one's own activity appropriateness.

It is appropriate to dwell on the student age's some features, because it is according to psychologists, it is "a sensitive period for man basic socio-gene potentials development" (Ananiev, 2001). A huge influence on personality development is provided by higher education. It is in the university educational environment which forms the way of thinking that characterizes the individual's professional orientation, the general intellectual development level (perception, memory, thinking, attention, level of logical operations' knowledge, etc.) increases (Orlov, 2009).

The central psychic process of the student's age is the self-awareness development, which includes the cognitive element (the one's self-discovery), the conceptual element (the one's individuality idea), and the value-volitional element (self-estimation). The reflexion development creates conditions for a critical reassessment of previously established values, therefore, their change and development takes place (Olesina & Stukalova, 2016; Zakirova & Purik, 2016).

In general, the student age (17-22 years) is characterized by the completion of the growth process, leading, ultimately, to the body blooming. At the same time, in the student's age, the inner  features are changed, the self-awareness level increases, mental processes are rebuilt,  the individual's emotional, motivational and volitional spheres  become more stable (Beckerman, 2014).

In this regard, most researchers emphasize that in order to achieve a high level of students professional training, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of deep fundamental knowledge obtaining and, at the same time, to improve the education quality through the innovative pedagogical methods' and technologies' use for creative abilities' and aspirations' development for continuous self-education, and take into account the students interests in self-realization (Rean, Kudashev & Baranov, 2008).

Thus, our hypothesis about the need for pedagogical accompany has the potential for development in practice, because, as it can be seen from the analysis of the students’ age-related characteristics, they still need mentors, the help in developing their goal-setting and the support in their self-realization strategies.

Deep development of this direction in pedagogy was in the works of O.S. Gazman (2002), T.V. Anokhina (2000), D.V. Grigoriev & P.V. Stepanov (2010), N.B. Krylova (2007), N.N. Mikhailova & S.M. Yusfin ( 2001), N.E. Shchurkova (2002), A.A. Galushkin (2015).

Most scholars believe that the goal of pedagogical accompany is to remove obstacles that hamper the student successful independent advancement in education and self-development.

2. Methodological Framework

The practical research main direction was the introduction into the universities’ educational process of  Moscow (Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow State Institute of Culture), Arzamas (Arzamas Branch (Arzamas Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Gaidar) of the National Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky), Taganrog (Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Chekhov - (branch) of the Rostov State Economic University), Ulyanovsk (Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov) pedagogical accompany system of student professional development. The students - future teachers of primary classes, World Art Culture, foreign languages, additional education, as well as future specialists in the field of socio-cultural activities were involved in the study.

At the experiment ascertaining stage (2009-2011), psychological and pedagogical studies of the professional development level were conducted: including the study of the value attitude to the chosen specialty, the level of professional self-determination; level of readiness for constant self-development and creative activity; self-evaluation; mastering the skills of constructive professional (including pedagogical) communication in the specific environment of the socio-cultural situation; development of the ability to decentration, empathy, the level of communicative culture, etc.

For this, the following psychological, pedagogical and sociological methods were used: the unfinished sentences method, the method of group and individual interviews, the diaries method, the statistical data content analysis method, as well as pedagogical methods of observation, interviews, questionnaires, study of manifestations of certain personality traits in the structure of socio-cultural reflexion, etc.

As a result, it was determined that the majority of participants - 75% (360 students from Moscow, 320 students from Arzamas, Ulyanovsk, Taganrog) were at a low level of professional development.

In the study, of course, the age features were taken into account and attention was drawn to the field of self-estimation, readiness for self-development, the level of empathy, value orientations. The obtained data became a symptom of the pragmatic moods growth among young people, the civic activity weakening, the reflexive position low level, the un-readiness for self-realization in the chosen specialty. Especially it concerned future teachers.

All these data were summarized and the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Low level of professional developmental growth is characterized by the following manifestations:

2. The level of conscious professional choice as the individual’s self-realization area also decreases. Applicants do not have an accurate idea of the specialty and their motives for entering the university are not clear and are connected mostly with the desire simply to get a higher education.

This indicates, from our point of view, on the insufficiently thought out and structured system of pedagogical accompany. Obviously, when training students, it is especially important to disclose for personal meaning and opportunities for self-realization in a chosen specialty.     The basis for the pedagogical accompany system development was the provisions on the integration of the upbringing, developmental, psychological, pedagogical and humanitarian and culture-logical functions of higher education.  In the theoretical study, high-level criteria for the students professional development were singled out, which were specific reference points in the introducing process of the pedagogical accompany system:

- motivational: the motivation level to master the profession, motivation level for creative self-realization in the profession, the motivation level for personal and professional growth, motivation flexibility;

- cognitive: the thinking flexibility, the ability to combine and form analogies, mental and emotional mobility, the mental prerequisites for creative thinking (Nechai, 2011), the level of self-estimation;

- communicative: openness to personal and professional self-improvement, to behavior correction, to criticism of creative works;

- operational: the mastery degree of professional activity operational side, the formation level of professionally significant personal qualities, attitudes toward work, a measure of skill and creativity.

An experiment program was also drawn up and four groups were identified:

- experimental group number 1 (EG № 1) - it included students from the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow State Institute of Culture and Arzamas Institute named after A.P. Gaidar, who were actively involved in the experimental work. In these institutions, didactic provision (technology) was introduced; pedagogical situations that stimulated motivation for professional development, competitions for projects, "cultural events", etc. were implemented. All this became possible thanks to participation in the experimental work of university teachers and students themselves. In EG № 1, totally 280 people participated;

- control group (CG) - it included students of Ulyanovsk SPI named after I.N. Ulyanov, TSPI named after A.P. Chekhov, as well as students of the MSIC, who participated in the experiment, mainly as interviewees, were under the by pedagogical observation - primarily in creative manifestations - in participating in collective creative activity, creating individual creative works and projects; there were also conversations and slices of professional development level. The CG included 330 people;

- a group of in-tent pedagogical observation (EG No. 2). This group included students from MSIC and MPSU, who in the ascertaining slice showed the lowest level of professional development. Their answers revealed their apathy, lack of will, cynicism, propensity to addictive behavior, selfishness, complete lack of motivation for self-realization in professional activity. In view of this, special work was carried out with these students, including individual assignments.  This group included 50 people;

- the leading group (LG) - it included students from the Moscow State Pedagogical University (Institute of Childhood) who, at the ascertaining stage revealed themselves as individuals ready for self-realization in pedagogical activity, with conscious reflexive and civic attitudes, possessing goal-setting skills, at a high level of professional self-determination and etc. In this connection, individual classes were also conducted with this group of participants of the experiment, the emphasis was done on developing these participants' communication skills, their ability to decentralize, support their readiness for creative self-realization and responsible attitude to life-building (Asmolov, 2008). This group included 70 people.

Totally 794 people took part in the experiment, including 64 teachers from the above-mentioned universities.

At the formative stage (2012-2107) in the study, the following were tested:

‑ technologies of pedagogical accompany aimed at achieving private and common goals in the process of personality basic qualities formation and further development which are necessary to achieve a high level of student professional development in the process of studying at the university;

‑ pedagogical situations in which group interaction, problem solving of tasks, etc., which actualize this or that motivation of interaction, difficulties overcoming, success achieving, etc. are activated. The situation itself creates opportunities for reflexive processes deployment that stimulate a value attitude toward the chosen specialty.

Stage by stage psychological and pedagogical monitoring of students professional development levels as a result of the pedagogical accompany system introduction was developed. It included:

1) psychological examination of the participants’ personal and professional development in the experiment - first of all, students who were included in the selected three experimental groups. Professional psychologists were involved in the examination, as well as teachers who possessed psychological methods.

The study used:

- the technique of M. Rokich, modified by D.A. Leontiev; "Investigation of the dominant motives of professional self-improvement" of S.N. Fedotov, V.V. Yuklyanyuk - on this basis, the level of the value attitude towards the profession was studied (Kosygina, 2017);

- readiness for self-realization in professional activity was studied with the help of E. Shostrom's self-actualizing test (SAT) (Shostrom, 1964) adapted by Yu.E. Aleshina, technique "Study of self-estimation" S.A. Budassi, a 16-factor questionnaire by R. Cattell (Kuzmina, 1980);

- the level of personal and professional self-determination, self-organization and readiness for vitally meaningful behavioral strategies’ realization was studied by the test of vitally meaningful orientations (VMO); questionnaire "The level of subjective control" (LSC), "Questionnaire of professional preferences" of  D. Holland;

- the skills level of creating productive communicative situations and developing the skills of dialogue relations organizer was investigated using the technique for determining the level of initiative and responsibility by A.I. Krupnov’s technique, the technique "Identification and Assessment of Communicative and Organizational Capabilities" (COC-1) by V.V. Sinyavsky and V.A. Fedorishin, and technique "Diagnosis of empathic abilities level" by V.V. Boyko (Karelin, 2007).

All psychological studies were corrected with the help of pedagogical observation, interviews with students (Stukalova, Alekseeva, 2017).

2) pedagogical observation of the participants in the experiment. Particular attention was paid to EG № 2 and LG. The participants were consulted in the individual projects development (primarily of socially oriented nature), they were asked to perform more complex or specific creative tasks - in the form of an essay-self-examination "Code of the profession", "I'm in the profession," interviews with various people, communication with which, to some extent, can affect the growth of the value attitude towards the chosen profession, social responsibility, empathy, etc. (Rogers, 1999).

In the course of the experiment, the situations "Finding a position", "My life values in my profession" were tested, as well as situations created by the technique of self-evaluation situation’s imitating simulation, contributing to the formation of students’ adequate self-estimation through the mechanism of professional activity’s value meanings internalization. Situations of self-evaluation allow us more objectively to see and realize our own successes.

3) study and generalization of the participants’ professional development dynamics in the experiment (statistical methods of research). The dynamics was studied in stages. In addition to constant observation, analysis of the participants’ collective and individual creative activity's results in the experiment, the interviews with them, with their teachers and parents, the professional development levels’ slices were made according to the selected criteria.

3. Results and Discussions

The developed technology presupposes the creation of certain pedagogical situations that require the activation of the students’ meaningful creativeness, their self-determination in professional activity. Pedagogical situations make it possible to activate the following internal processes which are important for personal and professional development:

1) actualization - transition of available knowledge and skills into an actual, active state;

2) being in demand - an independent search and justification of mastered knowledge and skills importance for solving the tasks;

3) experiencing - an emotional response to the  phenomena of reality and professional communication;

4) acceptance - a positive assessment of the importance for itself of the proposed from the outside;

5) appropriation - acceptance of knowledge, norms, values, ways of professional activity as personally significant;

6) subjectivities - development of personal meanings, subjective meanings of the considered phenomena of professional life;

7) justification - the search and presentation of scientific and morally - personally important knowledge bases, norms, values;

8) problem vision - consideration of professional life phenomena through the prism of a problem, finding cause-effect relationships, contradictions;

9) problematization - the identification of implicit problems, contradictions;

10) standardization - the search for or the development of norms on the basis of identifying the best ways of professional activity.

This sequence is due to the fact that at a certain stage, when knowledge and norms become personally significant, a person acquires the ability not only to see what is happening in society through the prism of certain professional problems, but also to identify new problems independently.

Here are some examples of participants’ professional development studying dynamics in experiments - students from various universities in Moscow, Taganrog, Ulyanovsk, Arzamas; the essence and quality of this process was influenced by the developed system of pedagogical accompany.

Much attention in the study was paid to the analysis of the participants’ value orientations development dynamics in the experiment on the criteria of value orientations stability, readiness for their transition, civic position and responsibility  manifestation during the projects preparation, the level of self-organization and self-regulation skills mastering; value attitude in relation to universal and professional values, creative activity, initiative nature, etc. (tables 1-4)           

Table 1
Levels of value orientations’ development for a number of
basic manifestations (summary data of the second slice-in%)


Experimental group № 1

Control group

High level





High level





creative activity, initiative nature







stability and conviction in professional choice (value position)







readiness for self-actualization in professional activity








Table 2
Levels of value orientations’ development for a number of basic
manifestations (summary data of the second slice-in%)


Experimental group  № 2

Leading group

High level





High level





creative activity, initiative nature







stability and conviction in professional choice (value position)







readiness for self-actualization in professional activity







Comparison of the slices results in EG № 2 and LG shows a large gap in the levels of value orientations among the students included in these groups, especially in comparison with the high-level indicators.

The gap between the indices in EG № 1 and CG is still not so high. First of all, this concerns the indicator "readiness for self-realization in professional activity". This makes it possible to conclude that training in higher education institutions with proper adjustment and strengthening of professional development pedagogical accompany can create conditions for this process optimization.

All this makes it possible to form ability to moral goal-setting, to a conscious professional choice, to reflexion, to assessing ways for achieving a goal by the criterion "ethical-unethical", etc. - in this way conditions are created  for   conscious development of valuable  attitude, which the student can clearly articulate, argue and defend.

Table 3
Levels of value orientations’ development for a number of basic
manifestations (summary data of the generalized slice-in%)


Experimental group  № 1

Control group

High level





High level





creative activity, initiative nature







stability and conviction in professional choice (value position)







readiness for self-actualization in professional activity








Table 4
Levels of value orientations’ development for a number of basic
manifestations (summary data of the generalized slice-in%)


Experimental group  № 2

Leading group

High level





High level





creative activity, initiative nature







stability and conviction in professional choice (value position)







readiness for self-actualization in professional activity







As the results of the generalized slice showed, measures to increase the level of value orientations development proved to be very effective for all experimental and control groups. The level of value orientations in EG № 1 and LG significantly increased for all the selected criteria - primarily by the criterion "readiness for self-realization in professional activities." It should be noted that in EG № 2 the indices of value orientations development have been significantly improved.

Psychological technique have allowed to confirm that students with a high level of value orientations are also characterized by a sufficiently high level of emotional stability, maturity of attitudes toward the world and surrounding people, which manifests itself in awareness of behavioral strategies and responsibility for actions, general motivation for life-building and self-realization in chosen profession, balance, self-organization, self-reliance in one’s affairs. They are more consistent in their plans and interests, realistic, aware of the requirements of reality; do not hide from themselves their own shortcomings.

Thus, pedagogical accompany has a significant positive impact on the process of professional development. As a result of generalization and correction on the basis of the data obtained, a universal scheme was developed reflecting the main components of the pedagogical accompany system for university students’ professional development (Figure 1)

Figure 1
The system of pedagogical accompany of university students professional developmental growth

All components of this system are interrelated and aimed at achieving the main goal - to increase the level of the future specialist professional development..

4. Conclusions

The pedagogical accompaniment technologies developed in the study form the basis for the didactic support of the pedagogical accompany system implementation. Among these technologies, we should especially mention the technology of professional activities' personally significant meanings interiorization.

This technology stimulates meaning perception, meaning-actualization, meaning-understanding, formulation of the individual meaning of professional activity; exchange of individual meanings; synthesis. The ability to search for and produce meanings has a significant potential in the process of professional training - and primarily in the direction of the chosen specialty’s values mastering (Klimov, 1996).

The study also developed pedagogical situations aimed at developing communication skills, self-presentation, reflexion and decentration skills (Leontiev, 2005). Passing through these simulated situations, students learn to overcome certain destructive phenomena in their personal and professional development, forming a stable motivation for full-fledged self-realization in the profession.

In general, we can conclude the following:

1) Professional developmental growth activates person’s such basic potentials as cognitive; moral and ethical; communicative, which manifests itself in the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue, resolve conflict situations, adequately and convincingly reveal their creative intent; personal, determined by the individual’s activity in establishing the system of relations in the professional environment and the formation of professional development needs in its mastering.

2)   An important factor in the professional development of the future specialist in the university is the totality of his ideas about himself in the profession, interconnected with self-estimation.

This factor contributes to the requirements’ internal harmony’s achievement of the individual and profession; determines the nature and characteristics of acquired professional experience interpretation in the form of positive and negative experiences (Antsyferova, 1999); serves as a source of activity in relation to one's own behavior for self-actualization in the future professional activity.

3) Professional development in the university educational environment is carried out in several stages: the stage of the profession image formation; the stage of professionally significant personal qualities development; the stage of increasing creative activity; stage of professionalization.

In addition, an important conclusion of the study is the conclusion that the future specialist professional development in a university is closely interrelated with pedagogical accompany, which is the basis for revealing the creative potential of each student's personality, supporting his professional choice, goal-setting and willingness to overcome problem obstacles in his development. Pedagogical accompany is a genuine cooperation in training a professional.

5. Acknowledgments

1) The results, stated in the paper, were obtained within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 27.7394.2017 / 8.9.

2) The work was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation under the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) Program "5-100" among the world's leading research and educational centers for 2016-2020.

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1.  Institute of Artistic Education and Culture Study, Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia. Contact E-mail:

2. Department of Judicial Authority, Law-Enforcement and Human Rights Activity, RUDN University (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia), Moscow, Russia

3. Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

4. Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

5. Department of Sociology, Psychology and Social Management, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 39 (Nº 02) Year 2018


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