ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 38 (Nº 55) Year 2017. Páge 13

Methodology of studying social and cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being

Metodología de estudio de la asociación social y cultural en la prevención del malestar infantil

Vladimir Vasiljevich AFANASYEV 1; Oksana Anatoljevna MILKEVICH 2; Valentina Pavlovna SERGEEVA 3; Lubov Ivanovna UKOLOVA 4

Received: 20/07/2017 • Approved: 17/08/2017


1. Introduction

2. Literature review

3. Materials and methods

4. Results of the research

5. Discussions and conclusions




The results of designing methodology for studying socio-cultural partnership in children's ill-being prevention are presented. The methods used: theoretical analysis, design, diagnostic methods, data processing. The theoretical justification and basic characteristics of the methodology for studying socio-cultural partnership are shown, the results of the research, key problems of implementing social and cultural partnership in children's ill-being prevention and ways to resolve/minimize them are characterized. The possibilities of the studying socio-cultural partnership methodology in children's ill-being prevention are demonstrated.
Keywords socio-cultural partnership, children's ill-being prevention, methodology.


Se presentan los resultados de la metodología de diseño para el estudio de la asociación socio-cultural en la prevención del maltrato infantil. Los métodos utilizados: análisis teórico, diseño, métodos de diagnóstico, procesamiento de datos. Se muestra la justificación teórica y las características básicas de la metodología para el estudio de la asociación socio-cultural, los resultados de la investigación, los problemas clave de la aplicación de la asociación social y cultural en la prevención de la enfermedad infantil y formas de resolver/minimizar ellos se caracterizan. Se han demostrado las posibilidades del estudio de la metodología de asociación socio-cultural en la prevención del maltrato infantil.
Palabras clave asociación socio-cultural, prevención del maltrato infantil, metodología.

1. Introduction

Consideration of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being as a scientific problem determines the need for the formulation of its internal contradiction of a complex nature, requiring resolve at the theoretical and practical level.

Existing scientific theories and positions (Abubakirov 2008; Baklanova & Medved 2015; Laptinskaya 2011; Matsukevich 2013; Seppyanen 2014; Chefonova 2015; Bell 2013) indicate an ambiguous understanding of the essence of partnership from the point of various sciences view, which makes it difficult to determine its essential characteristics and characteristics. Unequivocal is the recognition that:

- The partnership is realized between several persons and/or organizations, which determines the need to harmonize the needs and interests of the interacting parties;

- The partnership is aimed at solving a socially significant task, recognized and accepted by all parties.

From the standpoint of the research conducted, the partnership is a scientific problem due to the recognition of the need for the state and scientists to integrate the efforts of various social institutions, initiations and organizations in solving the problem of children's ill-being, its prevention against the background of insufficiently developed forms and mechanisms for its implementation by educational and cultural institutions. 

The orientation of modern pedagogical science on the calculability and reliability of the results of ongoing researches has determined the need to develop tools for the study of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being. Theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature (Avtonomov & Khananashvili 2010; Delmon 2010; Boyatzis 2012; Compton & Galaway 1999; Cunningham 2007; Dmitrenko, Lavryk & Yaresko 2015; Sengir et al. 2004; Handke 2008) indicates that the science has not developed a unified methodology for studying this type of partnership, which can be determined by a combination of causes: insufficiently developed understanding of the essence and content of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being; an ambiguous understanding of the result of this partnership type in the context of cultural and competence approaches that are prevalent in pedagogy; the orientation of modern methods of studying socio-cultural partnerships to assessment of its effectiveness (in terms of spent resources).

Authors' approaches presented in the scientific literature (Abubakirov 2008; Kizilova 1973; Shipitsko 2013; Hoffman 2009; Patti 2013; Tesoriero & Rajaratnam 2001; Abuzyarova 2009; International practice of social impact assessment of cultural initiatives, 2015) to the assessment of socio-cultural partnership formed in the context of sociology, economics, social work, which determines a specific understanding of the criteria for assessment of the process under consideration. In the context of pedagogical researches on the problem of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being, there is no specific methodology for its study.

The aim of the research is development and approbation of the methodology for studying socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being. At the same time, the term "methodology" is considered as a set of methods aimed at solving similar problems.

Theoretical significance lies in the justification and development of a methodology for studying socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being. The conducted research demonstrates the possibilities of the studying socio-cultural partnership methodology in the prevention of children's ill-being. In addition, the results of empirical research allow us to formulate problems that reduce the effectiveness of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being and ways to resolve/minimize them. Approbation of the presented methodology allowed adjusting its individual positions and characteristics. The results of the research are the basis for further development of mechanisms for implementing socio-cultural partnership, its effective forms, as well as the content and methods of training specialists in education and culture for such interaction.

2. Literature review

In pedagogical science, the methodology for studying socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being is not presented, and therefore it becomes necessary to study this type of partnership in solving the stated social problem. The interdisciplinary nature of the "partnership" determines concept the diversity of approaches in determining its result.

A.B. Shipitko represents the approaches currently developed in the assessment of the social partnership system, as well as the system of the basic level assessment of social partnership. The first system: assessment of complex structural and organizational elements of partnership - agreements, contracts, projects, programs (at the federal, territorial, organizational levels); tools of coordination and protection of socio-economic interests of partner interaction subjects; effectiveness of existing commissions on the settlement of disputes and conflicts. The second system: assessment of the nature of prevailing values, norms, principles and behavior of the subjects of partnership; the identification of social partnership place within the system of the socio-cultural space of society: philanthropy, transactionism, the integration of partnerships (Shipitsko 2013).

R.F. Abubakirov, describing the criteria for the effectiveness of social partnership (the level of transaction costs, the efficiency of the individual institutions functioning, etc.), notes that during the implementation of the partnership "the task of achieving any economic result is not set, it is primarily aimed at harmonizing interests, Search for compromise solutions based on mutually beneficial dialogue of the parties " (Abubakirov 2008).

I.N. Kizilova, considering innovative management methods in the sphere of culture, formulated the criteria for the effectiveness of projects implemented in the industry: innovation, financing, management and marketing, socio-cultural partnership, monitoring and assessment of results, sustainability of the project / long-term effect. The criteria indicated by the author became the basis for a multi-level system of expert assessment of activities and projects, the idea of which can be borrowed in developing a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being (Kizilova 1973).

The presented author's approaches to the assessment of the socio-cultural partnerships effectiveness were formed in the context of sociology, economics, which determines a specific understanding of the criteria for assessment of the process under consideration. The authors unequivocally recognize the importance of the social component, reflecting the consolidation of some actors’ efforts in solving socially important tasks, the value component of partnership, its focus on creating and broadcasting a specific culture of relations.

The research prepared for the Potanin Foundation (International practice of social impact assessment of cultural initiatives, 2015) presents the main provisions of international practice for assessing the social impact of cultural initiatives. On the example of the influence assessment of art and the humanities (the research was conducted by the Arts and Humanities Research Council), the report presents a logical model that includes: resources (amount of money, number of employees), activities (development and implementation of programs, creation of new infrastructure), immediate result (number of beneficiaries, distributed specimens), social result (increase in the level of knowledge and change in people's behavior patterns) and social effect (accounting for the impact of other factors, unintended consequences). These components of the model are both guidelines for the construction of the assessment system, and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of socio-cultural projects (International practice of social impact assessment of cultural initiatives).

Given the complexity and multidimensionality of the problem under consideration, it is necessary to emphasize the ambiguity of the result of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being. The direct result of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being is the culture of partnership. A delayed social result is an understanding of the value of childhood as a special social group that requires care and assistance, recognition of the value and norms of socio-cultural partnership. A delayed social effect is the inclusion of new specialists, organizations and institutions in the system of socio-cultural partnership, the identification of educational institutions, culture, etc. as institutions for the prevention of children's ill-being, the spread of successful education traditions and socialization of the younger generation.

Given the definition of the concept of "culture", proposed in the dictionary of B.M. Bim-Bada (Bim-Bud 2008), as well as the positions of V.L. Benin (Benin 2015; Benin & Frolov 2013), N.G. Veselova (Veselova 2004), A.N. Galaguzova (Galaguzov 2011), we define the culture of partnerships as a characteristic of partnerships based on mutual assistance, mutual support, orientation towards achieving a common socially significant aim on the basis of each other's values recognition, norms and traditions. This definition allows us to identify the structural components that are taken into account when developing a methodology for assessing the culture of partnerships.

Realizing the importance of the culturological approach in describing the results of socio-cultural partnership, as well as the dominance of the competence approach in modern educational practice and pedagogical science, one of the criteria is the readiness of specialists for socio-cultural partnership. Readiness for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being can be characterized as a holistic, systemic, integrative neoplasm, a result that determines the personal readiness of specialists for such activities.

Summarizing the presented scientific positions taking into account their own vision of the socio-cultural partnership essence in the prevention of children's ill-being, a comprehensive methodology for studying this type of partnership was developed (Table 1).

Table 1
Components and criteria of an integrated methodology for studying socio-cultural
partnership in children’s ill-being prevention (compiled by the authors)

Component of the methodology/Object of studying

Criteria for assessment

Methods of assessment

Effectiveness of socio-cultural partnership

Designated (value-semantic) orientation

The method of expert assessments, the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being

Substantial unity



Spent resources


Resulting character

Culture of partnerships

Cognitive component

Method of self-assessment, methodology for assessing the culture of partnerships

Emotional-value component

Technological component

Readiness of specialists for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being


Method of Self-Assessment

A questionnaire on the study of the readiness of specialists for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being




Presented methodology components of studying the socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being are the result of theoretical analysis and design and, at the same time, the basis for an empirical research.

3. Materials and methods

The components of the complex methodology presented in the table and the criteria for their assessment are described in more detail in the following way.

1) The methodology for assessing the effectiveness of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being includes the assessment of the following criteria (Milkevich 2017b):

  1. Designated (value-semantic) orientation - reflects the degree of expressiveness of the orientation of socio-cultural partnership for the revival of the family values and childhood, the formation of intra-family relations culture, the prevention of children's ill-being.
  2. Substantial unity - reflects the degree of coherence of efforts undertaken by various social institutions, specialists in the revival of family values, the value attitude towards the child.
  3. Innovation - reflects the combination of traditional and innovative forms, methods, and approaches to the organization of socio-cultural partnership and preventive measures, the creation of a new service, infrastructure within the framework of socio-cultural partnership.
  4. Controllability - characterizes the degree of management and strategy of socio-cultural partnership management in the prevention of children's ill-being.
  5. Spent resources - reflects the spent personnel, material and technical, financial resources.
  6. Manufacturability - reflects the possibility of extending the model and form of socio-cultural partnership, the degree of their development.
  7. Resulting character is the achievement of planned quantitative and qualitative results.

For each of the seven criteria, a series of objective performance indicators based on the presence/absence of the criterion, as well as two intermediate indicators to ensure the accuracy of the analysis, are determined. Each of the four indicators is assigned a corresponding score in steps of 10 units, from 0 to 30 points (zero, low, medium, high).

2) The methodology for assessing the culture of partnerships (Milkevich 2017a) allows us to assess the immediate result of the cultural and educational institutions partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being. The aim of the methodology is to study the culture of partnerships in the prevention of children's ill-being.

Subjects of partnerships assessment are employees of culture and education who, due to their official duties, most often interact in the prevention of children's ill-being (on the part of educational institutions - educators- organizers, deputy directors on educational work, social educators, from cultural institutions - methodologists , heads of children's associations, heads of cultural institutions).

The methodology for assessing the culture of partnerships includes several components that are significant from the perspective of understanding the essence of culture as such, as well as taking into account the developments in the scientific and methodological literature, namely:

- cognitive component, the assessing criteria of which is the recognition of the socio-significant nature of interaction between cultural and educational institutions, understanding the socio-cultural partnership content, the knowledge of socio-cultural partnership possible areas, the principles of socio-cultural partnership, the partners understanding of the responsibility boundaries of each side, mechanisms for the development and maintenance of partnerships;

- the emotional-value component, the criteria for assessing which is the projection of universal values in the system of partnership relations, the acceptance by the subjects of the interaction of the values, norms and traditions of each other, the partners' orientation to accept each other, the recognition of the each party values, mutual assistance and mutual support in socio-cultural partnership, characterization of partnerships (formalization of relations, mutual interest in partnership, stability of relations), aspiration to develop further relations;

- a technological component, the assessing criteria  which is ownership of the interaction forms and methods subjects of socio-cultural partnership, the ownership of ways to design joint activities, the consolidation of efforts, resources of partners in the implementation of joint activities, reflection and direction of partners' actions on improving joint activities in achieving a socio-significant aim, taking into account the specifics of the designated orientation and traditions of partners in the design and implementation of joint activities, the readiness to design new forms, methods and means of development and maintaining partnership relations.

Each cultural component has certain assessing criteria, the severity of which is assessed by respondents within the "high level", "medium level", "low level",

3). The methodology for studying the readiness of specialists for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being (Afanasiev et al. 2016) includes: general information; cognitive (the presence of knowledge about the essence and significance of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being, the nature of childhood), motivational (the focus of specialists on interaction, awareness of the need to integrate efforts in solving problems of modern childhood), personal (awareness of their own capabilities and responsibility in implementing socio-cultural partnerships in the prevention of children's ill-being), technological (the formation of the necessary skills to design and implement activities and programs of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being) components.

The research was conducted among specialists of educational and cultural institutions of Solikamsk, Cherdyn, Krasnovishersky, and Usolsky municipal districts, Cherdyn, Krasnovishersk, Berezniki, and Solikamsk of the Perm Krai.

The research involved 654 people - practicing specialists in educational and cultural institutions (kindergarten, school, museum, library, palace/cultural center, institution of additional education, cultural and business center) aged 20 to 51 years and older.

4. Results of the research

The analysis of the results obtained for each of the methodologies was presented in stages in author's publications. In the framework of this article, we present a complex description of the results obtained.

The study of the effectiveness of socio-cultural partnership forms in the prevention of children's ill-being allows us to formulate the following conclusions:

1. A general assessment of the effectiveness of socio-cultural partnerships forms in the prevention of children's ill-being can be described as "medium".

2. All forms of socio-cultural partnership can be conditionally divided into "traditional" and "innovative". At the traditional forms of socio-cultural partnership (educational events (thematic evenings, meetings), charity concerts, parental education academy/parents clubs/parents' school), the level of "below average" is characterized by almost all criteria. Among innovative forms, the same level is characterized by "Creative laboratories / scientific laboratories/gift schools", "Interactive thematic sites". The level of "high" is characterized by such criteria as the designated orientation, the content orientation, the manufacturability and innovation of the following forms: "Educational projects/seminars", "Competitive programs for families", "Family and children's holidays/matinees", which may be due to the rich practice of holding such events of the educational institution.

3. Most forms of socio-cultural partnership are characterized by the severity of all criteria at the middle level and at the level of "even the average", which may be due to the social understanding of cultural events as a means of children's ill-being prevention by including children in socio-significant activities, and the prevalence and popularity of these partnerships among education professionals in working with families and children.

4. The most effective forms of partnership are: Festivals of children's creativity, Charity concerts, Parent education academy/clubs for parents/schools for parents, Educational projects/seminars, Competitive programs for families, Family and children's holidays/matins, which have pronounced controllability, spent  resources, manufacturability and resulting character.

5. A pronounced difference in the assessment of the effectiveness of socio-cultural partnership forms among employees of pre-school educational institutions, schools and institutions of additional education is revealed: a significant part of the partnership presented forms is assessing by employees of pre-school educational institutions as insufficiently enough (by the majority of criteria) against more favorable assessments of efficiency by other respondents. This can be explained by the orientation of preschool education to the solving the problem of development and socialization of preschool age children. Schools are more oriented, in addition to the tasks of education, on the solving issues of children's ill-being prevention, and have extensive experience in solving such problems. Employees of additional education institutions most valiantly assessed the forms of socio-cultural partnership, which can be explained by the direction of this type activity of institution to solve educational and developmental tasks, as well as the tasks of implementing the creative potential of the individual, including it in various types of socio-significant activity. Employees of cultural institutions with a smaller number, but within the average level, assess the effectiveness of forms of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being prevention, which is determined by the difference in the designated orientation of their activities and training in comparison with employees of educational institutions.

6. There is a stable tendency among respondents to have 7-8% of employees who assess the assessing criteria for the forms of partnership at the "zero" mark, which is a general trend among the entire sample, i.е. there is a group of specialists who do not recognize the effectiveness of socio-cultural partnership forms in the prevention of children's ill-being.

The results of studying the culture of partnerships allow us to formulate the following conclusions:

1. The overall level of partnership culture can be characterized as average, i.e. the interviewed specialists, acting as subjects of partnership, note the formation of cognitive, emotional-value and technological components, namely: sufficiently formed awareness of the socio-cultural partnership importance in the prevention of children's ill-being, understanding of its content; demonstrate the projections of universal values in the system of partnerships, the adoption of values, norms and traditions of each other in the implementation of preventive measures, the orientation of partners on the adoption of each other, on joint action, mutual assistance and mutual support (combination of "high" and "average" levels of assessment). The remaining components of the designated components of the partnership culture are characterized by respondents as an "average level".

2. The average level of the socio-significant nature awareness of interaction between cultural and educational institutions, the partners' understanding of the boundaries of responsibility of the each parties, the projection of universal values in the system of partnership relations among educators and culture confirms the humanistically oriented nature of their professional activities, potential readiness to participate in solving socio-significant problems (in particular, the problem of children's ill-being) through interaction with other institutions, organizations and specialists. Homogeneous assessments by experts of other components of cognitive, emotional-value, technological components (middle level) indicate fairly formed understanding mechanisms for implementing partnerships in specific conditions.

3. The homogeneity of the criteria assessments of the partnerships culture among school employees (the average level), in comparison with the assessments of cultural institutions workers, preschool institutions and institutions of additional education (high and medium level) may be due to greater objectivity of the former. In addition, the initial orientation of the school to implement the position of the prevention system subject (FL-120 "On the Basics of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency", the Perm Kray Law "On the Prevention of Family and Children's Ill-Being") determines its least "optimism" in assessing prevention children's ill-being mechanisms.

4. The respondents' assessment of the technological component indicates that it is the least developed in comparison with the cognitive and emotional-value components.

5. 11-13% of respondents were found for each component of the partnership culture, whose assessments are characterized as "low level".

The results of studying the readiness of specialists for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being make it possible to formulate the following conclusions:

1. In quantitative terms, the readiness of specialists for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being by the results of the research is characterized as follows:

- are ready for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being - 65.5%, i.e. characterized by a sufficient level of formation of all cognitive components, motivational, personal, technological components of readiness;

- are characterized by sufficient readiness for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being - 32.2%, i.е. have the formation of cognitive individual components, motivational, personal, technological components of readiness;

- the borderline situation, close to being unready for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being - 2.3%, i.е. are characterized by the unformed nature of the most components of the cognitive, motivational, personal, technological components of readiness.

2. Most of the specialists are characterized by the formation of a cognitive component of readiness for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being, i.e.: understand childhood as a special social group that needs special socio-legal protection, have an idea of the socio-cultural partnership essence between cultural, educational, social and other institutions in solving the problems of childhood, know about the content and possible directions of socio-cultural partnership (family education, the formation of the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, the organization of children's employment, the formation of the socio-cultural environment of a certain territory, the attraction of public attention to the problems of family and childhood), have an idea of the principles of socio-cultural partnership in prevention of children's ill-being. This can be explained by the availability of professional education among all respondents, as well as by the experience of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being.

3. The majority of respondents identified the formation of the motivational component of readiness for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being. The formation of the motivational component of the specialists readiness for socio-cultural partnership includes: awareness of the socio-cultural partnership importance in the prevention of children's ill-being, understanding the significance of the such experiences dissemination, the active participation in various areas of interaction with other institutions in working with families and children, in the independent development and use in their professional activities of forms and methods of interaction with institutions of other spheres In working with family and children, to actively demonstrate their own experience of interacting with other institutions through pedagogical councils, conducting master classes, publications in professional journals and collections of materials of scientific and practical conferences, participation in professional competitions of the corresponding orientation, perseverance in overcoming the difficulties associated with the insufficiently knowledge or the lack of certain skills in the implementation of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being, activity in self-development, to master more than the programs of professional skill improvement and professional retraining assume.

4. Higher (in comparison with the numerical expression of other indicators) the quantitative indicators of the personal component formation of the specialists readiness for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being. The formation of the personal component of the specialists readiness for socio-cultural partnership includes: the ability to build constructive interaction with specialists from related professions working in other institutions, the ability to work in a team, coordinate actions between subjects of interaction, personal awareness and professional responsibility for the results of professional activity, the focus on cooperation with other institutions and organizations, the realization of their opportunities in organizing socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being.

5. The insufficient formation of the technological component of the specialists readiness for socio-cultural partnership is revealed in all respondents, i.e.: insufficient knowledge of interaction with other specialists methods, institutions and organizations; the ability to select the content of socio-cultural partnership from the position of the presence in them of a nurturing elements, value-semantic nature; readiness and ability to design different types of socio-cultural activities; the ability to initiate, design forms of socio-cultural partnership; accounting for the design and design of various forms of socio-cultural partnership of the specifics and traditions of institutions and organizations that come into contact; the ability to organize an assessment of the implemented forms effectiveness of socio-cultural partnership.

The obtained results allowed formulating the key problems of socio-cultural partnership implementation in the prevention of children's ill-being and ways of their solving/minimization (Table 2).

Table 2. Problems of socio-cultural partnership implementation in children’s ill-being
prevention and ways to solve/minimize them (compiled by the authors)

Problems of Socio-Cultural Partnership Implementation in the Prevention of Children's Ill-Being

Proposals for the Solution and Minimization of the Implementing Socio-Cultural Partnerships Problems

Social Effect

Insufficiently formed technological readiness and technological component of the partnerships culture (the ability to design new forms of socio-cultural partnership, the ability to select the content of partnerships, take into account the specifics of partner traditions, the ability to assess the effectiveness of partnerships)

  1. Organization of training seminars series and refresher courses.
  2. Organization of problem groups on the design of socio-cultural partnership new forms in the prevention of children's ill-being.
  3. Development and translation of methodology for assessing the effectiveness of forms and programs of socio-cultural partnership.
  4. Development of methodological support of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being.

Change in the quality of implemented forms and programs of socio-cultural partnership; the possibility of retranslating the experience of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being.


Insufficient understanding of the importance of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being

  1. Development of the Socio-Cultural Partnership Organization Order in the Prevention of Children's Ill-Being.
  2. Conducting and/or participating in scientific and practical conferences on the problems of socio-cultural partnership.
  3. Preparing of publications series in local media and information leaflets.

Inclusion of new partners, stakeholders, charitable and public organizations in the programs of socio-cultural partnership.

Insufficient motivational readiness for socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being (insufficient activity in self-development of partnership forms and demonstration of existing experience)

  1. Conducting a series of master classes/round tables/discussion areas on the problem.
  2. The introduction of moral incentives system for workers implementing socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being.
  3. Introducing the "Participation in the development and implementation of socio-cultural partnership programs in the prevention of children's ill-being" in the system of labor incentives for education and culture workers.

Positioning of the territory as a platform for effective experience of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being.


5. Discussions and conclusions

The presented criteria and indicators of the study of socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being reflect the theoretical provisions of the research and constitute a system of study objects within the framework of a comprehensive methodology. The relevance of this methodology is determined by the lack of tools for studying socio-cultural partnership in the prevention of children's ill-being in pedagogical diagnosis. The components/ objects of study in the methodology, their criteria and indicators singled out in the methodology allow determining the most vulnerable aspects of partnership relations and adjusting them through various forms of specialists training entering into interaction, designing the most effective forms of socio-cultural partnership.


R. Barieva, E. V. Belkina, L. A. Korneeva, I. V. Mogilnikova, T. A. Mukhataeva, A. V. Chibisova, O. V. Stein for the assistance and support in the research, as well as the reviewers and the staff of the journal for their professionalism and individual approach.


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1. The State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the City of Moscow, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

2. Solikamsk State Pedagogical Institute (branch) of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education, Perm State National Research University, Solikamsk, Russia. E-mail:

3. The State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the City of Moscow, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

4. The State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the City of Moscow, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 38 (Nº 55) Year 2017


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