ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 38 (Nº 50) Año 2017. Pág. 12

Methodological support in organizing educational activity assessment of technical university students studying “Business english”

Apoyo metodológico en actividades de evaluación de la educación de estudiantes técnico-universitarios sobre el tema "Inglés de negocios"

Aygul Zufarovna IBATOVA 1

Recibido: 04/07/2017 • Aprobado: 25/07/2017


1. Introduction

2. Methodology and results

3. Conclusions

Bibliographic references


The article discusses the problem of the methodical organization of the teacher's work in assessing the students’ educational activity by the direction 23.03.03 "Operation of transport-technological machines and complexes" on the discipline "Business English". The author describes the methodology of working with the technology of organizing and developing the method of assessing students' knowledge of the "A Set of Control and Knowledge Assessment Tools " for this discipline within the framework of the Federal State Institution of Higher Education of Industrial University of Tyumen, the Branch of IUT in Surgut. The author describes the steps and assesses the effectiveness of the chosen method.
Keywords: control, method of control, means, assessment


El artículo aborda el problema de la organización metódica del trabajo del maestro en la evaluación de la actividad docente de los estudiantes en la dirección de "Operación de transporte y máquinas y sistemas tecnológicos" sobre el tema "de negocios de habla no inglesa." El autor describe la metodología de trabajo con la tecnología de la organización y el desarrollo del método de evaluación de 'conocimiento' estudiantes establece el control y la evaluación de los fondos "en la disciplina dentro de las instituciones de educación superior públicas federales la Universidad Industrial de Tyumen, una rama de la TIU en Surgut, se describen las etapas, evalúa la eficacia del metoda elegido.
Palabras clave: métodos de control, supervisión, medios, evaluación

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1. Introduction

1.1 Problem statement and objectives of the research

The modernization of the higher education system in the Russian Federation, is mandated by the need to improve the quality of higher education in accordance with the ever-increasing demands of society, it set all the new tasks before the educational organizations associated with the training of graduates who are able to carry out independent professional activity successfully.

New requirements to the quality of the students’ educational process of higher education are reflected in the new State Educational Standards for Higher Education [5]. Taking into account the regulations set in these documents, the modern university sets the task of activating cognitive activity of students, developing their interest and readiness for educational and cognitive activities.

Assessment of students' knowledge is an important structural component of the educational process, which must be implemented throughout the learning period. Recently, some progress has been made in realizing the practical role of education, as well as in determining the degree of achievement of the planned results of the educational program; there were conditions for the rationalization of assessment as an integral part of the learning process. The urgency of the problem of assessment of learning outcomes is due to current achievements in this field, as well as the need to use innovative methods to assess the knowledge and skills of students in the context of the needs of the professional community for which educational activities are carried out.

Accordingly, an important activity of the teacher is the organization and implementation of targeted activities to provide pedagogical and methodological assistance to students in preparing them for professional work, including foreign-language educational activities.

In the framework of teaching students "Business English", the teacher needs to develop methods and forms for implementing pedagogical support for this type of student activity. In this article we will consider the organization of assessment of students’ educational activity by the direction 23.03.03 "Operation of Transport-technological Machines and Complexes".

2. Methodology and results

We used some research methods such as comparative analysis, and synthetic method, observation, the analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature.

A set for evaluating learning outcomes is a set of assessment tools that should be compiled by teachers based on the theory and methodology of pedagogical measurements. A set of evaluation tools is a set of control tasks, as well as a description of the forms and procedures designed to determine the quality of learning by the students of the training material.

A set of assessment tools is a collection of control materials for each academic discipline in accordance with the curriculum. The set of assessment tools contains the object of assessment, indicators, results, assessment criteria and methods. This set is structured in accordance with the content of the curriculum. It includes the following items:

- the set of control and assessment tools;

- results of mastering the academic discipline;

- control and assessment tools for incoming control;

- control and assessment tools for routine control of the discipline;

- control and assessment tools for the final control of the discipline;

- control and assessment tools for the state (final) attestation [4].

Teachers of the Department of Sciences and Humanities have developed a set of evaluating tools for students of the direction 23.03.03 "Operation of transport-technological machines and complexes" with the purpose of assessing knowledge, skills learning "Business English". The development and organization of a set of evaluating tools took place in several stages:

1. Definition of the purpose and results of training.

2. Formation of indicators of learning outcomes.

3. Definition of the contents of the set of valuation means.

4. Definition of functions and purpose of control.

5. Identification of types, methods and forms of control.

6. Development of control and evaluation tools.

7. Examination of the compliance of a set of assessment tools (structure and content) with the established requirements of the federal state standard, the work program.

8. Analysis.

9. Correction [4].

At the first stage, "Defining the purpose and results of training," we singled out the educational competences that are spelled out in the documents: the federal educational standard for higher education, the curriculum for the discipline "Business English." The results are shown in Table №1.

Table №1

Competency code



Ability to communicate in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages for solving problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction


Ability to work in a team, tolerantly perceiving social and cultural differences


Ability to compose and execute scientific, technical and service documentation

EC – educational competence, EPC – education professional competence.

Next, we wrote the discipline topics, the competencies corresponding to them, which are formed during the educational process. We also identified the types of evaluation tools with which students' knowledge is evaluated: texts, tests, communicative tasks, etc. All data are presented in Table 2.

Table №.2 (Sample)


Controlled sections (themes) of the discipline

Competency code

Quantity of tests

Evaluation tools









Set of lexical minimum, expressions for speech etiquette.

A set of communicative tasks (dialogues, monologues)





Job hunting




Set of lexical minimum on the topic.

A set of texts and sample documents for reading and translating.

A set of communicative tasks (dialogues, monologues)





 At the 2nd stage "Formation of the indicators of learning outcomes," we developed indicators of the evaluation of the learning discipline results.

The results of the training correspond to the knowledge, skills and skills that are indicated in the learning program.

Teaching results:

Student must know: the basic vocabulary of the English language, the vocabulary representing the specifics of business communication, as well as formulas of speech etiquette, the rules of its use depending on the socio-cultural context of communication; Cognitive strategies, allowing to determine the individual trajectory of learning a foreign language, including the possibilities of autonomous learning;

Student must be able to:

Student must know how:

Indicators of knowledge assessment:

The student has full knowledge of business communication, conducting business correspondence depending on the socio-cultural context.

Key knowledge indicators are: the amount of knowledge, consciousness of knowledge (independence of judgments), positive attitude and interest to the study of the discipline.

Indicators of the skills assessment. High level: the student shows a high degree of independence in carrying out communicative actions in the business professional sphere, conducting business correspondence, filling in application form. The student's abilities are automated, the student has a high speed of performing the action. The student has a high degree of skills consciousness, conscious control having  difficulties in constructing a statement or committing an error, he is able to transform them into other activities; the student demonstrates the correctness and quality of the actions.

Intermediate level: the student shows an average degree of independence in the implementation of communicative actions in the business professional sphere provided by the program, the conduct of business correspondence, filling in forms and forms, performs actions on the model without outside help. The student's abilities are not sufficiently automated, the student does not have a high speed of performing the action. The student has an average degree of skills consciousness, conscious control in the event of difficulties in constructing a statement or committing an error, is able to transform them into other activities with the help of a teacher; he demonstrates the average degree of correctness and quality of actions, allows for minor errors.

Low level: the student shows a low degree of independence in carrying out communicative actions in the business professional sphere, conducting business correspondence, filling in application forms, performing actions on the model with the help of a teacher. The student's abilities are not automated, the student has a low execution speed. The student has a low degree of consciousness of skills; he is not able to transform them into other activities. The correctness and quality of performance of actions is lacking, he needs outside help.

Zero level: the student does not show a desire and independence in carrying out communicative actions in the business professional sphere, conducting business correspondence, filling in application forms  using a sample and a teacher. The student's abilities are not automated. The student possesses a low degree of consciousness of skills, correctness and quality of performance of actions below a base level.

Indicators for assessing skills development:

- the degree of independence in communicative actions in the business professional sphere;

- automated actions (the speed of the action);

- the ability to transform communicative activities into others;

- the correctness and quality of the actions.

At the third stage of the assessment tools development, teachers think through and determine the most effective types, methods and forms of control in accordance with the functions and purposes, types of certification, examinations or credits. Each section of the academic discipline corresponds to its learning outcomes, its indicators, forms and types of control. Also, the teacher indicates the score  results of the training (in Table 3, sample 1 of the discipline section is given) [6].

Table №3

Elements of the academic discipline (topics / sections)

Learning outcomes (result index)

Indicators of result evaluation

Form and methods of control

Max. Score




The student knows how to use vocabulary correctly, which represents the specifics of business communication, formulas and rules of speech etiquette, depending on the socio-cultural context of communication. He is able to greet, introduce himself and introduce his colleagues, get acquainted, say goodbye, express gratitude

High level:

The student has

conscious, systematic and consistent, strong knowledge in full; he demonstrates the formation of communicative skills at a high level: the degree of independence, automation, consciousness, quality and correctness of communicative actions, the ability to transfer them to other activities


1) Making up dialogues and memorizing the topics:by heart.

- Meetings and Greetings.

- Vocabulary on the topic. Dictation.

2) Doing homework.

3) Making up a business card, monologue on the topic: "My Personal Background".

4) Test












At the 4th stage "Development of control and evaluation tools. Examination” the teachers represent the reference version of the tasks for each knowledge assessment for each section of the academic discipline “Business English” and indicates the corresponding maximum scores. The number of tasks sets and tests should correspond to the number indicated in Table №2.

The methodological support of the evaluation of the students' education that we have organized is sent examination for compliance with the established requirements of the federal state standard and the learning program in the educational and methodical department of the university. At the meeting of the department, the Head of the Department and teachers analyze this set. In the case of need the teachers can make corrections to the corresponding sets of evaluation tools

3. Conclusions

Verification and assessment of students' knowledge, skills is an important structural component of the learning process and, in accordance with the principles of systematic, consistent and strong teaching, it must be exercised throughout the learning period.

We believe that such methodological support of the organization for assessing the students’ educational activity of a technical university in the discipline "Business English" is effective and innovative.

This form of evaluation meets the basic principles of the methodology for assessing knowledge, allows you to correctly determine the result of training, ensures the reliability of evaluation, the system and the sequence of actions of teachers. This method allows us to choose the most effective methods and means of control, the assessment system is transparent and available for teachers and students, as well as their parents.

The main purpose of compiling a set of evaluation tools is to increase the educational and cognitive activity of students, focus on standards, known to students, for self-evaluation of individual achievements of students.

In general, the organization of assessing the educational activities of students of a technical college in the discipline "Business Engliah" with the help of the evaluation tools allows to determine the level of communicative competence of students of technical specialties for solving social and communicative problems in various areas of everyday, cultural, professional and scientific activity in communicating with Foreign partners, in the preparation of scientific works, as well as for further self-education.

Bibliographic references

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4. Methodological recommendations on the formation of funds of evaluation tools for control of quality of mastering the basic professional educational programs of higher education / comp. V.V. Mayer (other). - Tyumen: The publishing center TyumGNGU 2013.- 47 p.

5. On the approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of training 23.03.03 Exploitation of transport-technological machines and complexes (bachelor's level).

6. A set of control and evaluation tools for the academic discipline

“Business English” of the main professional educational program in the field of higher education  23.03.03 "Operation of Transport-technological Machines and Complexes".

1. Industrial University of Tyumen, 625000, Ural Federal District, Tyumen Region, Tyumen, Volodarsky Str. 38.Russia, E-mail:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 38 (Nº 50) Año 2017


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