ISSN 0798 1015


Vol. 38 (Nº 49) Year 2017. Page 31

Professional foreign-language education: goal-setting as basic component of linguo-didactic competence

Educación profesional en lengua extranjera: establecimiento de metas como componente básico de la competencia lingüo-didáctica


Received: 30/09/2017 • Approved: 05/10/2017


1. Introduction

2. Methods

3. Data, Analysis, and Results

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion



The modern changes of an educational paradigm happening the higher school system affect as fundamental conceptual theoretic-methodological provisions, and make new demands to identification, selection and development of the conceptual approaches developing a professional linguo-didactic. Distinctive feature of teaching a foreign language for the professional purposes lies in closer interaction with problems of the professionally focused communication in this province. The goal-setting in foreign languages teaching submits to property of hierarchy inherent in pedagogical system: to the social order to requirements of labor market, educational purposes of educational institution, private purposes and needs of educational process subjects. The research allowed to come to the theoretical conclusions, important for the process of linguo-pedagogical education, which can be the basis for further studying of a problem of linguo-didactic teaching of the pedagogical education bachelor. The questions considered in article give a general idea about approaches to linguo-didactic model of competences and define the direction of the subsequent theoretical development of contents and teaching technologies of future foreign language teachers.
Keywords: Higher professional education; studying foreign language for professional purpose; linguo-didactic science; linguo-didactic competence; goal-setting.


Los cambios modernos de un paradigma educativo que sucede en el sistema de la escuela superior afectan como fundamentales las provisiones teóricas-metodológicas conceptuales, y hacen nuevas exigencias a la identificación, selección y desarrollo de los enfoques conceptuales desarrollando una lingüística didáctica profesional. Característica distintiva de la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera para los fines profesionales radica en una interacción más cercana con los problemas de la comunicación profesionalmente enfocada en esta provincia. La fijación de metas en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras se somete a propiedades de jerarquía inherentes al sistema pedagógico: al orden social a las exigencias del mercado de trabajo, fines educativos de la institución educativa, fines privados y necesidades de sujetos del proceso educativo. Conclusiones teóricas, importantes para el proceso de educación lingüo-pedagógica, que pueden ser la base para el estudio posterior de un problema de enseñanza lingüo-didáctica del bachillerato de educación pedagógica. Las preguntas consideradas en el artículo dan una idea general sobre los enfoques del modelo de competencias lingüístico-didácticas y definen la dirección del desarrollo teórico subsecuente de los contenidos y las tecnologías de enseñanza de futuros profesores de lenguas extranjeras.
Palabras clave: Educación profesional superior; Estudiar lengua extranjera con fines profesionales; Ciencia lingüo-didáctica; Competencia lingüo-didáctica; el establecimiento de metas.

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1. Introduction

Modern society advances special claims to the higher education system (Tatur, 2006; Novikov, 2006). The expertize question is put to priority (Efremova, 2012). It assumes not only the transfer of a certain knowledge, skills and experience from teacher to student, but also formation of the special type personality which is capable and ready to solve any professional problems, including non-standard, unforeseen, demanding creative approach. Modern expert has to be flexible, mobile, easily adaptive in constantly changing conditions of professional activity and labor market on the whole, opened to the transformations and innovations occurring in the modern world, capable to get on to the new ideas and technologies (Kunanbayeva, 2016). First of all, such personality has to be ready for the constant self-education.

Modern society calls for the experts who are capable to solve professional problems in changeable conditions of the modern world and it causes the necessity of essential changes in education – starting from the setup of the new goals, transformation of the structure, introduction of innovations at the most various levels, and up to the development of essentially new technologies and methods of training and control (Ivanov, Mitrofanova & Sokolova, 2005).

Creation of the open educational system capable to be integrated into world educational space becomes one of the priority directions of higher education system reforming in Kazakhstan. So the approach which realizes by itself fully linguo-didactic integrity and conceptuality of the fundamental principles and methods of training and education including valuable and orientation, integrative, information and estimated and regulatory and technological functions of linguo-didactic as science, is relevant in space of foreign-language education (Krupchenko & Kuznetsov, 2011).

Emergence of professional linguo-didactic is caused, on the one hand, by intensive use of information of professional character obtained from the foreign sources and also on extension of a number of specialists, focused on foreign economic activity that demands the knowledge of a foreign language. On the other hand, formation of professional linguo-didactic was dictated by the increased need for theoretic-methodological justification of the integrated process of professionally focused training in a foreign language to which it became close within the existing linguo-didactic installations (Orbodoyeva, 2014).

Scientific-theoretical justification of legitimacy of allocation of a professional linguo-didactic from a number of pedagogical sciences, adjacent to it: didactics, a technique and a linguo-didactic is presented in the doctoral dissertation of A. Krupchenko (Krupchenko, 2005).

It is established that professional linguo-didactics is "multilateral" discipline (Galskova & Gez, 2004). It is possible to prove it, having shown this statement as follows:

• As we deal with training, it is considerably didactics;

• Teaching is impossible out of education; in this case the specialist is also a professional pedagogics;

• As it is about formation of professional abilities — foreign-language professional communicative competence of the expert, it both professional psychology, and psycholinguistics;

• As we train in language, the professional linguo-didactics has a direct bearing on linguistics;

• In training in foreign languages communication process takes place, so the professional linguo-didactics is connected also with the theory of communication which includes professional, business and cross-cultural communication;

• The professional linguo-didactics is aimed at foreign-language professionalizing which is impossible without appeal to a special subject, expansion of knowledge of which happens means of a foreign language.

Thus, process of training of professional communication it is extraordinary multivariate, being synthesized and refracting through specifics of an object, it creates a basis of the new scientific discipline arising on a joint of above-mentioned sciences — a professional linguo-didactics.

The professional linguo-didactics as multilateral special discipline researches the strategy of formation of professional competence of the expert (being crossed in it with professional pedagogics) in the course of training in a foreign language (taking aspects of a linguo-didactics).

The problem of improvement of training quality of the foreign language teacher attracts constant interest of scientists (Orbodoyeva, 2014; Kazakova, 2016; Kunanbayeva, 2016). As a result of intensive scientific linguo-didactic searches was created the complete training system for future foreign language teachers: on the whole, purposes, tasks and content of training were defined, and the principles, methods and methods of their professional formation were developed.

However, as the analysis of literature shows, the urgent tendencies are not reflected in all their completeness in the available researches, connected to the integration of scientific knowledge and subject experience at vocational training of the foreign language teacher. The most attractive to researchers are questions of methodical training of future foreign languages teachers – formation of methodical competence. The aspects concerning essence, specifics of linguo-didactic competence of professionals are only in the beginning of the consideration.

Examination of works of the scientists who investigate linguo-didactic competence reveals existence of essential disagreements in understanding of the purposes and problems of linguo-didactic training of the foreign language teacher (Bezukladnikov, 2009; Schukin, 2012; Yarotskaya, 2013). Moreover, these researches are conducted in relation to traditional single-level system of professional language education.

When we appeal to the literature devoted to linguo-didactic competence of the foreign language teacher, it shows that there is a number of versatile approaches to an interpretation of its essence. In line with current trends of linguistic-pedagogical education lies the approach which supporters are H. Galskova and N. Gez (Galskova & Gez, 2004), A. Krupchenko and A. Kuznetsov (Krupchenko & Kuznetsov, 2011), E. Tareva (Tareva, 2009). According to opinion of these scientists, linguo-didactic competence has cross-disciplinary essence, i.e. is formed at future foreign language teacher within a wide range of subject matters. It incorporates methodical competence which has subject-oriented character. In the maintenance of linguo-didactic competence interpret tendencies of subject character which are urgent today in professional education which reference points serve constant self-education and self-development, professional mobility, autonomy, creative identity.

In terms of the revealed features and specifics of the teacher training, we define linguo-didactic competence as the key component of professional competence integrating scientific knowledge and subject experience of the graduate and his qualification, and which is shown in the readiness created at basic level to carry out development of foreign-language communicative competence at students of the main comprehensive school.

The aim of research is the analysis of the concept "linguo-didactic competence", consideration of its main structural components and exarticulation of a goal-setting as basic element of linguo-didactic competence in conditions of a foreign language acquisition for the professional purposes in the higher school.

2. Methods

Problems of development of competence-based approach in the higher education are examined by both foreign, and domestic scientists (Efremova, 2012; Orbodoyeva, 2014; Kunanbayeva, 2016). In the field of foreign-language education invariable interest is attracted by problems of formation of communicative competence (Ter-Minasova, 2000; Lindholm-Leary, 2001; Tareva, 2009), one of the burning questions for consideration is a problem of sociocultural and cross-cultural competence of cross-cultural communication (Gurye, 2006; Yarotskaya, 2013; Orbodoyeva, 2014). One can agree that problems of formation of professional competence of the foreign language teacher are urgent (Tareva, 2009; Krupchenko & Kuznetsov, 2011; Schukin, 2012). Change of professional requirements imposed to the foreign language teacher - orientation to creatively developing multilingual, multicultural identity, linguocultural training of students, performance of a role of a cultural mediator, the organizer of a cross-cultural communication, development of communicative competence in total of lingual, speech and sociocultural, subject and cognitive and social and affective competences (Krupchenko & Kuznetsov, 2011; Schukin, 2012), involves reconsideration of tasks, contents and technologies of training of future specialist in foreign-language education, revision of forms and methods of the organization of educational process in higher school.

3. Data, Analysis, and Results

The analysis of literature shows lack of unanimity of scientists not only concerning the essence of the purpose of linguo-didactic teaching of the foreign language teacher (linguo-didactic competence), but also concerning its structure. It is established that the component structure of linguo-didactic competence offered by E. Tareva corresponds to a modern interpretation of the purpose of linguo-didactic training of the foreign language teacher:

1) Methodical competence;

2) Sociocultural competence;

3) Competence of self-development (Tareva, 2008).

Let's consider each of these components in the annex to the qualification of Bachelor level.

Methodical competence is the component of linguo-didactic competence of the bachelor of pedagogical education (the foreign language teacher) which is shown in the basic readiness for design and implementation of educational process on a foreign language at the general school and also to a reflection of own teaching activity. The matter of methodical competence is defined by structure of the leading activity of the foreign language teacher which allows to speak about it as about an operational component of the purpose of linguo-didactic training of the pedagogical education bachelor.

Sociocultural competence is the component of linguo-didactic competence which is shown in the basic readiness for orientation in sociocultural space of the native speaker country and for carrying out a cross-cultural teaching based on it. In this competence integration of these various sciences is most brightly expressed, first of all linguistic and methodical. Thus, sociocultural competence is presented by an integrative component of the goal of linguo-didactic teaching of the pedagogical education bachelor.

Competence of self-development, in turn, is shown in the basic readiness for linguo-didactic self-education, for demonstration of creative identity, professional autonomy and mobility which promotes personal and professional development of the foreign language teacher with qualification of "The bachelor of pedagogical education" (Tareva, 2009). This competence bears subject character. It allows the teacher to be the strategist of his own activity, to staticize personal features in the course of pedagogical activity, in other words, to individualize this process.

The three stated above competences are not equal in structure of the purposes of the bachelor linguo-didactic teaching in the direction of Pedagogical education. One of the most important reference points of training of the bachelor teacher is readiness for constant education which is most fully reflected in competence of self-development. While future foreign language teacher studies according to the program of the specialist or magistracy he has opportunities for development of his linguo-didactic abilities at a study stage (5 and 6 years), but shorter term of study does not give such chance to the bachelor. Therefore the last has to be provided with conditions for further professional growth. Such condition is formation of self-development competence. If this property of the personality develops and improves in the course of professional education evenly and along with other components of professional competence, then after obtaining the Bachelor level qualification, this competence becomes the most important instrument for further development of two other components of linguo-didactic competence (methodical and sociocultural) already outside the professional education, either during the professional activity, or during further study in magistracy (Gurye, 2006).

The structure of the first target component of linguo-didactic training of the pedagogical education bachelor (methodical competence) is defined by the matter of three activity stages of the foreign language teacher which L. Yarotskaya in her research calls:

1. Goal-setting stage.

2. Goal-accomplishment stage.

3. Goal-consolidation stage (Yarotskaya, 2013).

Reasonong from the functions which are carried out by the foreign language teacher on each of stages, the first block of problems of linguo-didactic study embodies the formation of the gnostic, design, organizing, communicative training, reflexive competences which are necessary for successful study, carrying out the foreign language lesson as well as it’s analysis.

The structure of the second component (sociocultural competence) is defined by those aspects of cross-cultural training which assume synthesis of knowledge both of language and culture, and about specifics of two cultures (native and foreign).

During of the analysis of (Ter-Minasova, 2000; Kazakova, 2016; Kitaygorodskaya, 1986) works the following aspects are revealed:

1) Components of cultures bearing national and specific coloring;

2) Features of native speakers language;

3) Socially caused features of a national discourse.

In this regard the second block of problems of linguo-didactic training of the pedagogical education bachelor is presented by cross-cultural, linguoculturological, sociolingustical competences.

Components of the third constituent (competence of self-development) sort with the main characteristics of subjectivity (Milovanova, 2007):

• Need for self-change, self-education;

• Disclosure of identity of the specific person;

• Implementation of scientific search.

These characteristics were a basis for allocation in structure of self-development competence of the self-educational, creative, research subcompetences which put together the third block of problems of linguo-didactic teaching of the pedagogical education bachelor.

In consideration of teaching a foreign language for the professional purposes, it is necessary to remember that the professional focused communication represents a special type of social communication which accompanies and serves the professional work of the interacting people. It is supposed that by means of a foreign language future expert will be able to enter professionally significant communication with representatives of other language and cultural community (Richards & Rodgers, 1991). In this regard the purpose of training in the professional focused communication can be defined as forming in students skills and abilities adequately to perceive, understand and react to the professionally significant information given orally or in writing by foreign-language representative of this profession. Therefore, during training in effective foreign language communication for the professional purposes in the context of language course it is necessary to place emphasis on formation of abilities, and by drawing up the goals to allocate as the separate block the ability which the student has to possess by the end of a course.

Distinctive feature of teaching a foreign language for the professional purposes lies in closer interaction with problems of the professionally focused communication in this province: speaker expresses concepts and carries out communicative functions, trying to obtain efficiency of professional communication as which the certain impact on the listener is understood answering the pragmatic purposes of participants of the act of communication (Homutova, 2008).

The goal-setting in foreign languages teaching submits to property of hierarchy inherent in pedagogical system: to the social order to requirements of labor market, educational purposes of educational institution, private purposes and needs of educational process subjects. Development, a concrete definition and detailed elaboration of the purposes of study course submits to deductive logic – from the general to the particular. The more particularly the purposes are expressed, the more particularly they are capable to have influence on improvement of their realization process. Therefore it is necessary to resort to a bigger categorization of the purposes for effective training in a foreign language, meaning the rational strategy of foreign language and culture acquisition.

The concrete definition of the pedagogical purposes assumes their transformation into system of pedagogical and educational tasks which is understood as an achievable in these conditions result embodied in a concrete task while the purpose is a perspective long-term result. When teaching a foreign language we consider forming of linguo-didactic competence as a main goal of pedagogical and educational activity. Linguo-didactic competence is multidimensional and formed on the basis of development of a number of subcompetences. Therefore, in re to main goal of teaching a foreign language their formation is considered as achievement of the private purposes and tasks.

Achievement of goals depends on how it was set, how the private purposes and tasks at various grade levels are being formulated. many scientists pay to technology of a goal-setting, features of detailed elaboration of the purposes and problems of training in various disciplines attention including a foreign language (Skinner, 1968; Salomatov, 1986; Horeshman, 2011; Schukin, 2012). As a rule, two types of the purpose are allocated: the main goal – a projection of future result / the anticipated result and the purpose subordinated to the main goal – a local goal/task. On the analysis of different types of activity V. Shadrikov allocates the purpose image – immediately leading and regulating activity on all its extent (for example, an image of a detail of a certain configuration) and the purpose task – the regulating activity through a resulting effect which acts in the form of a task (Shadrikov, 2006).

Any task as the purpose given in specific conditions has a complex structure. In practice of teaching foreign languages it includes:

• The formulation of the purpose - a task, the instruction specifying what to do and for what;

• A subject with which it is necessary to carry out an action. On the one hand, it is a perfect subject – the thought which is subject to recognition and awakening a reciprocal thought and requirement to formulate it verbally; with another is a language material, i.e. a material subject in which the thought and its fragments are concluded (Golub, Kogan & Prudnikova, 2007).

The practical purposes of teaching are defined to all course, to a separate stage or a lesson within a course. The purpose as an image of future result, is planned on a certain interval of time in relation to a resulting effect of activity. In turn this piece can be divided into a set of smaller pieces. In relation to the purpose of longer piece the purpose of intermediate pieces can be considered as a task. It is planned taking into account a complex of conditions which are available on the way to achievement of an ultimate goal. Set of conditions in which the purpose is set is called a task. The task is the purpose in specific conditions.

Tasks of teaching a foreign language are focused on speech skills and abilities which students have to possess as a result of all course or at separate stages. The formulation of a task of teaching a foreign language has to include three elements:

1) The description of speech action which the student has to execute;

2) Conditions in which action is performed;

3) The standard or requirements imposed to the qualitative level of performance of action (Solovova, 2009).

During teaching a foreign language are also distinguished the tasks reflecting process of the doctrine or a product of teaching, i.e. result of the teaching activity of the teacher (Hutchinson & Waters, 1993). Tasks of the first type emphasize the procedural nature of teaching, reflect language acquisition process, show what strategies are used by students for achievement of result, describe their actions in auditorium when performing communicative tasks, in fact, being the short description of the performed task. Tasks of the second type reflect effectiveness of teaching process, describe what result is achieved in the course of their solving, what abilities will students possess after completion of a course or its stage (Igna, 2009).

The purposes of teaching have to be set in that way so that their realization could be determined by results of their achievement diagnostic. Features of a foreign language as subject of studying are: its limitlessness (it is possible to specialize infinitely in its aspects) and instrumental character (serves as means of a thought expression). Therefore, if the result of study cannot be expressed in points, grades or as in a case with linguo-didactic competence, ability to show knowledge in an interaction situation with representatives of other culture, then it may come to the loss of a teaching measure, and it negatively affects satisfaction with their activity after the completion of a course and motivation to further studying of a subject both teachers and students.

Realization of the goal means the existence of idea in minds of students and teachers of a certain standard which would provide comparability of results of efforts on mastering a subject at different grade levels and would concretize the general prospect of the movement to concrete result, for example to examination. The specific practical goals can be expressed in categories of content of teaching according to ways of their achievement, have to be measurable and correspond to a certain scale of assessment. In teaching foreign language it is important to express them in quality and quantitative indices of abilities level in respect of the professional focused communication.

Depending on conditions in which the purpose is implemented, from means and ways of its achievement, the purpose and the actual result can coincide and not coincide. The actual result is only an objective part of the purpose. Deviations of real result from expected, testifying the successful achievement of goals, become a basis for revision of the purposes and the choice of more effective ways of their achievement. Thus, control which assumes identification of deviations of the actual results from planned and the purposes are interconnected.

The result of training is always focused on norm which serves as a result assessment measure. In a technique of teaching foreign languages the norm is understood as the indicator of possession of the foreign-language speech according to the operative documents, requirements of the program, levels of assessment of language competence (Lindholm-Leary, 2001). Norms can be correlated to such factors as age of students, duration of the previous study. Traditional examinations and tests are focused generally on norms.

Recently more preference is given to various tests: diagnostic, current, intermediate, total control. For determination of the general level of linguo-didactic competence and pronouncement about a possibility for the student to enter the higher school where training is conducted in this language serves the test of the general foreign language skills (Proficiency Test). Depending on a specific goal of application this test can serve for selection of entrants, for distribution of students on groups, for specification of the study program of separate group.

Success in goals achievement is only then reached when subjects of educational process both teachers and students – are in close interaction on the way to its realization. The realization of a goal-setting is being accomplished by means of discussion of the course purposes, its contents, structure, methods and tutorials, the organization of occupations, control forms on the first lesson. However knowledge of the purpose is necessary for conscious activity of students, but it is not enough. Success of teaching depends on presence at students of positive motivation and, as a result, consciousness – understanding of the importance of the studied material and judgment of the principles of actions for acquisition of a foreign language.

To learn to study independently, students need to know:

• What they have to know and be able to do by the end of a course;

• What they can do;

• What study materials to use;

• How to control oneself in achievement of goals and the choice of the correct way.

4. Discussion

Essentially use of modular and rating technologies influences the upbringing of independence and formation of self-education skills. Estimating modular and rating study, many researchers note its importance for stimulation of educational and informative activity of students and the organization of their cognitive activity for mastering professional scientific knowledge and skills. At modular and rating system, having the plan of work and methodical recommendations about achievement of goals of studt, the student can more independently, than at traditional system, seize sections of the curriculum. As for rating, it allows to differentiate the result of educational activity, minimizing subjectivity of the teacher in assessment of students’ knowledge. Thus, the motivation to studying of a subject is supported and the responsible attitude to performance of objectives is formed.

Today one of means of introspection of linguo-didactic competence of the student of higher school is "The language portfolio" which is an educational means and is defined as "a package of documents in which its owner fixes the achievements and experience in language acquisition, the received qualifications, and also separate types of the works performed by it for a long time", comparing the achievements to the Common European scale of language competences (Bezukladnikov, 2009). The language portfolio promotes development of independence and responsibility of students for result of the study, stimulating them together with the teacher to participate in planning of stages of the activities for acquisition of a foreign language.

As in the goal the result is necessary to be perfect, and the subject of a goal-setting, choosing the direction of the actions and means, connects realization of the purpose both with the requirements, and with consequences of the choice that is subjective, existence of a standard should not be perceived as dogma as specifics of the purpose consist that it cannot be reached completely – everyone will have the result. It is also connected with uncertainty and dynamism of educational reality. Therefore in situations when the teacher aspires to an extremity (success) of educational process and absolute achievement of the pedagogical goals, efficiency of quality of education decreases. It is especially important to consider incompleteness of the pedagogical goals when forming linguo-didactic competence which constantly develops.

5. Conclusion           

According to the concept of modernization of the Kazakh education development of the general and subject disciplinary educational programs based on competences represents now a difficult, multidimensional and extremely urgent problem of modern pedagogics. In many respects it is connected with realization of improvement tasks of higher education quality developed by European and Kazakh educational by communities and by the psychology and pedagogical science and practice. The modern changes of an educational paradigm happening the higher school system affect as fundamental conceptual theoretic-methodological provisions, and make new demands to identification, selection and development of the conceptual approaches developing a professional linguo-didactic.

The research allowed to come to the theoretical conclusions, important for the process of linguo-pedagogical education, which can be the basis for further studying of a problem of linguo-didactic teaching of the pedagogical education bachelor. The questions considered in article give a general idea about approaches to linguo-didactic model of competences and define the direction of the subsequent theoretical development of contents and teaching technologies of future foreign language teachers.

Competence-based approach to a problem research of a professional orientation of language teaching of future foreign language teachers opens opportunities to approach in a new way the solution of the following tasks:

1) Creation of methodical competence model in structure of linguo-didactic competence of the foreign language teacher,

2) Justification of system forming of methodical competence in the course of a language teaching within unity of the purposes, contents, the principles, methods, means and forms of educational interaction of the teacher and students in educational process,

3) Development of estimation criteria of methodical competence formation level in course of higher education curriculum


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1. Rector Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan. email:

Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015
Vol. 38 (Nº 49) Year 2017


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